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Regular Meeting
Tuesday, September 28, 1993 - - 7:30 pm

* * * * *

Present: Mayor Patricia S. Ticer, Vice Mayor William C. Cleveland, Members of Council Kerry J. Donley, T. Michael Jackson, Redella S. Pepper, Lonnie C. Rich, and David G. Speck.

Absent: None.

Also Present: Mrs. Lawson, City Manager; Mr. Sunderland, City Attorney; Ms. Evans, Assistant City Manager; Ms. Steele, Deputy City Manager; Mr. O'Kane, Director of Transportation and Environmental Services; Mr. Lynn, Director of Planning and Community Development; Mr. Gitajn, Director of Financial and Information Services; Mr. Neckel, Director of Finance; Mr. Cyphers, Director of Human Services; Mr. Kauffman, Director of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities; Ms. Boyd, Director of Citizen Assistance; Mr. Brannan, Assistant City Manager; Mr. Pessoa, Assistant City Attorney; Mr. Eiffert, Executive Director of Agency on Aging; Mrs. Godwin, Acting Director of Management and Budget; Mr. Garrity; Intergovernmental Relations Coordinator; Police Chief Samarra; Fire Chief Hawkins; Mr. Flaherty, Director of Economic Development Program; Chief Fire Marshal Conner; Dr. Lipsman, Director of Health Department; Ms. Gattsek, Director of Office on Women; Mr. Sanderson, Director of Real Estate Assessments; Mr. Radauskas, Director of Code Enforcement; Mr. Skrabak, Manager of Environmental Quality; Mr. McAndrews, Assistant City Attorney; Sergeant Clancey and Lieutenant Crawford, Police Department.

Recorded by: Beverly I. Jett, CMC, City Clerk and Clerk of Council.

The City Council held a Work Session at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Workroom to discuss amending the Old Town Small Area Plan Restaurant Policies. The City Manager and Mr. Lynn, Director of Planning and Community Development, gave an explanation of the City Manager's recommended policy. The Members of City Council, Mr. Robinson, president of Old Town Civic Association, Mr. King, owner of Bullfeathers Restaurant, and Ms. Becker, president of Inner City Civic Association, participated in the discussion of this issue. The work session was concluded at 7:10 p.m.

Please refer to page 9 of these proceedings for the action taken by City Council in regard to this matter.

(Materials pertaining to this work session are on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, and are incorporated herewith as part of the record.)



The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Ticer, and the City Clerk called the Roll; all Members of City Council were present except Council Member Rich who arrived at 9:25 p.m.

The Invocation was pronounced by Reverend James Henry, Pastor, St. James United Methodist Church.

3. THERE BEING NO DISCUSSION, upon motion by Vice Mayor Cleveland, seconded by Councilman Donley and carried on a vote of 5-to-0, City Council approved the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 14, 1993, as submitted. The voting was as follows:

Cleveland "aye" Jackson out of room
Donley "aye" Pepper "aye"
Ticer "aye" Rich not yet arrived
Speck "aye"

4. THERE BEING NO DISCUSSION, upon motion by Councilman Donley, seconded by Vice Mayor Cleveland and carried on a vote of 5-to-0, City Council received the report of the City Clerk dated September 2, 1993, which is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 4; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference. The voting was as follows:

Donley "aye" Jackson out of room
Cleveland "aye" Pepper "aye"
Ticer "aye" Rich not yet arrived
Speck "aye"

5. Presentation of Proclamation Honoring the Late Alexandria Police Officer Andrew Chelchowski. (Councilwoman Pepper)

(A copy of the proclamation is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 5; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Vice Mayor Cleveland, seconded simultaneously by Councilmen Donley and Speck and carried on a vote of 5-to-0, City Council endorsed the proclamation. The voting was as follows:

Cleveland "aye" Ticer "aye"
Donley "aye" Jackson out of room
Speck "aye" Pepper "aye"
Rich not yet arrived

6. Presentation of Proclamation Designating the Month of October as Crime Prevention Month in the City of Alexandria.

(A copy of the proclamation is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 6; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)

(Mayor Ticer presented the proclamation.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Vice Mayor Cleveland, seconded by Councilwoman Pepper and carried unanimously by all those present, City Council endorsed the proclamation. The voting was as follows:

Cleveland "aye" Donley "aye"
Pepper "aye" Jackson "aye"
Ticer "aye" Rich not yet arrived
Speck "aye"

7. Presentation of Proclamation Designating the Week of October 3, 1993, as Fire Prevention Week in the City of Alexandria.

(A copy of the proclamation is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 7; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
(Councilman Jackson presented the proclamation.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Donley, seconded by Councilwoman Pepper and carried unanimously by all those present, City Council endorsed the proclamation. The voting was as follows:

Donley "aye" Cleveland "aye"
Pepper "aye" Jackson "aye"
Ticer "aye" Rich not yet arrived
Speck "aye"

8. Presentation of Proclamation Declaring the Month of October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

(A copy of the proclamation is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 8; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)
(Councilman Donley presented the proclamation.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Donley, seconded by Councilwoman Pepper and carried unanimously by all those present, City Council endorsed the proclamation. The voting was as follows:

Donley "aye" Cleveland "aye"
Pepper "aye" Jackson "aye"
Ticer "aye" Rich not yet arrived
Speck "aye"

WITHOUT OBJECTION, City Council withdrew Docket Item No. 13 from the Consent Calendar.

9. Receipt of the Following Resignations from Members of Boards, Commissions and Committees:


(Copies of the above resignations are on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 9 (a-b); 9/28/93, and are incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)

10. Uncontested Appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees:

(a) Alexandria Emergency Medical Services Council
1 Health Systems Agency of Northern Virginia Member

(b) Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority
1 Citizen Member

(c) Recycling Study Subcommittee of the Alexandria/Arlington
Waste-to-Energy Task Force
1 Representative from the Alexandria Environmental Policy

(d) Alexandria Social Services Advisory Board
1 Parent Member

(e) Alexandria Task Force on AIDS
1 Citizen-at-Large

(Material pertaining to the above appointments is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 10 (a-e); 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)

11. Consideration of Application to the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Litter Prevention and Recycling, for Funding for the Adopt-A-Park Program.

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated September 24, 1993, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 11; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)

12. Consideration of the Fiscal Year 1994 Plan for Aging Services and Applications to the Virginia Department for the Aging and the U.S. Department of Agriculture for Funds for These Two Programs.

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated September 15, 1993, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 12; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)


WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Speck, seconded by Councilwoman Pepper and carried on a vote of 5-to-0, City Council approved the Consent Calendar as presented with the exception of Docket Item No. 13 which was considered under separate motion. The City Manager's recommendations are as follows:

9. City Council received the following resignations with regret: (a) Lori R. Wiggins from the Alexandria Board of Architectural Review - Parker-Gray District; and (b) Katherine L. J. Hoffman from the Alexandria Consumer Affairs Commission; and requested the Executive Secretary to send the appropriate letters of appreciation and to advertise the vacancies in the usual manner.


10. City Council (a) reappointed William Bryant as the Health Systems Agency of Northern Virginia Member to the Alexandria Emergency Medical Services Council; (b) reappointed Barbara Lynch as a Citizen Member to the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority; (c) appointed David Soltis as a Representative from the Alexandria Environmental Policy Commission to the Recycling Study Subcommittee of the Waste-to-Energy Task Force; (d) reappointed Sophie Korczyk as a Parent Member to the Alexandria Social Services Advisory Board; and (e) appointed Jacob Weintraub as a Citizen-at-Large to the Alexandria Task Force on Aids.

11. City Council authorized the City Manager to: (1) submit a grant application to the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Litter Prevention and Recycling, for funding in the amount of $5,311, for the Adopt-a-Park Program; and (2) execute all necessary documents that may be required.

12. City Council (1) approved the FY 1994 Spending Plan for Aging Services; (2) authorized the City Manager to: (a) submit the plan which includes application to VDA for continuation funding for the Alexandria Agency on Aging in the amount of: $25,866 for Title V (Seniors In Community Service Employment Program); $20,713 for the Job Training Partnership Act/Older Workers Program; $168,611 for Title III Federal funds; $8,971 for State funds required to match the federal funds; and $55,592 for additional State Program funds; (b) submit grant applications totaling $48,618 to USDA for reimbursement for congregate home-delivered and adult day health care meals; (c) execute all necessary documents; and (3) approved the continuation of one full-time and four part-time grant-funded positions which administer and operate the Older Americans Act programs and associated services. The positions were established approximately 10 years ago and the full-time position is included in the City's approved FY 1994 full-time position count. Continuation of the positions is contingent upon continuation of funding from VDA.

The voting was as follows:
Speck "aye" Cleveland "aye"
Pepper "aye" Donley "aye"
Ticer "aye" Jackson out of room
Rich not yet arrived

13. Consideration of an Allocation of Monies for Phase 2A of the King Street Garden Project and of the Contract for Its Construction.

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated September 21, 1993, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 13; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)


WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilwoman Pepper, seconded by Councilman Donley and carried unanimously by all those present, City Council (1) awarded a contract to the Avon Corporation, the lowest responsive bidder, in the amount of $88,843 to pay for Phase 2A of the King Street Gardens project; (2) authorized a contract contingency allowance of $8,884; and (3) authorized the City Manager to sign the necessary documents. The voting was as follows:

Pepper "aye" Cleveland "aye"
Donley "aye" Jackson "aye"
Ticer "aye" Rich not yet arrived
Speck "aye"


14. Receipt of the 1993 Annual Report, Setting it for Public Hearing on October 16, 1993, and Consideration of Distribution to City Residences.

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated September 14, 1993, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 14; 9/18/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilwoman Pepper and carried unanimously by all those present, City Council approved the City Manager to go ahead and distribute the Annual Report, but if we can not find an acceptable way of distributing it other than the U.S. Postal Service, requested that the City Manager come back to Council before she mails it, and Council will have to make another decision on whether or not it does that, with the request to work out the delivery system before it is printed so that there is not a 55,000 excess assuming that people pick up their 5,000 copies this year. The voting was as follows:

Jackson "aye" Cleveland "aye"
Pepper "aye" Donley "aye"
Ticer "aye" Rich not yet arrived
Speck "aye"

15. Consideration of Draft Plan of the Metropolitan Washington Air Quality Committee for Emissions Reduction as Required by the 1990 Clean Air Act. (#25 9/18/93) (Councilwoman Pepper)

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated September 23, 1993, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 15; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)


WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilwoman Pepper, seconded by Councilman Jackson and carried unanimously by all those present, City Council endorsed the Draft 15% Reduction Plan approved and released for public comment by MWAQC on August 4, 1993, and requested the Mayor to transmit the City's position to MWAQC, which would include contingency transportation control measures. The voting was as follows:

Pepper "aye" Cleveland "aye"
Jackson "aye" Donley "aye"
Ticer "aye" Rich not yet arrived
Speck "aye"

16. Consideration of Report on Traffic Improvements in the 1700 Block of Russell Road. (Councilman Speck)

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated September 22, 1993, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 16; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Speck, seconded simultaneously by Councilman Jackson and Vice Mayor Cleveland and carried on a vote of 5-to-0, City Council (1) received the report; (2) referred the proposal to install a flashing "traffic signal ahead" sign to the Traffic and Parking Board; and (3) approved the other recommendations proposed on page two of the City Manager's memorandum dated September 22, 1993. The voting was as follows:

Speck "aye" Ticer "aye"
Jackson "aye" Donley out of room
Cleveland "aye" Pepper "aye"
Rich not yet arrived

17. Presentation by the City Attorney Regarding Newsracks. (Councilman Speck) (Verbal)


18. Consideration of Establishment of a Permanent Committee to Administer the City's Marketing Fund and Approval of the Marketing Fund Guidelines and the Marketing Plan. (Councilman Donley and Mayor Ticer)

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated September 23, 1993, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 18; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Councilwoman Pepper and carried unanimously by all those present, City Council (1) designated the Alexandria Marketing Committee, described in the City Manager's memorandum dated September 23, 1993, to consist of one representative from each of the following organizations in addition to a member of City Council and the City Manager or her designee, for a total of 13 members: Alexandria Chamber of Commerce; Alexandria Convention and Visitors Bureau; Alexandria Economic Development Program; Alexandria Hotel Association; Alexandria Promotion Team; Alexandria Restaurant Council; King Street Metro Enterprise Team; Landmark Mall; Old Town Business Association; Potomac West Trade Association; and Torpedo Factory Artists' Association, as the permanent committee to administer the $100,000 Marketing Fund approved by City Council in the FY94 budget; authorized the Committee to make awards from the Marketing Fund to eligible applicants; requested the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance; and (2) approved the guidelines for the Alexandria Marketing Fund (Attachment I), as revised, [inserting the language of the last paragraph on page 2 and ending on page 3 to the first paragraph on page 4] and the Marketing Plan (Attachment II) and designated as the Alexandria City Council's representative on the Committee, Councilman Donley. The voting was as follows:

Jackson "aye" Cleveland "aye"
Pepper "aye" Donley "aye"
Ticer "aye" Rich not yet arrived
Speck "aye"

19. Consideration of a Budget Transfer to Provide Predevelopment Monies for Housing Development Projects.

(A copy of the City Clerk's memorandum dated September 24, 1993, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 19; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)

WITHOUT OBJECTION, City Council noted the deferral of this item.

20. Consideration of Monthly Financial Report for the Period Ending August 31, 1993.

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated September 13, 1993, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 20; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Speck, seconded by Vice Mayor Cleveland and carried unanimously by all those present, City Council received the Financial Report for the period ending August 31, 1993. The voting was as follows:

Speck "aye" Donley "aye"
Cleveland "aye" Jackson "aye"
Ticer "aye" Pepper "aye"
Rich not yet arrived

21. Consideration of a Revised Restaurant Policy for Old Town.

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated September 23, 1993, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 21; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Speck, seconded by Vice Mayor Cleveland and carried unanimously by all those present, City Council approved the City Manager's recommendations and added, as noted in the discussion earlier this evening, that we would think it would be helpful for as much detail as possible on the criteria that will be used in considering the various policies and beefing up some of the details in the parking management plan to include some of the language that we have been using in recent special use permits to make clear what some of our expectations are as it goes to the Planning Commission. (Please refer to the City Manager's Memorandum dated September 23, 1993, for the Draft revision to Old Town Restaurant Policy.) The voting was as follows:

Speck "aye" Donley "aye"
Cleveland "aye" Jackson "aye"
Ticer "aye" Pepper "aye"
Rich not yet arrived




(a) Councilman Jackson brought Council up-to-date on an item that occurred last summer when the Virginia Railway Express incurred engine trouble and they broke down. He stated that the DASH staff noticed the activity taking place on the tracks. When a fire broke out, the DASH staff assumed that VRE might have needed their assistance. They advised the emergency personnel on the scene that DASH could provide a shuttle to the King Street Metro Station for stranded commuters. A total of eight buses were used to transport almost 800 commuters. Two City school buses also arrived on the scene to assist. DASH had contacted Metro to advise them of the situation and to prepare them for the passenger loads that they were bringing to King Street Metro. Unfortunately, since there were no arrangements between VRE and WMATA, all 800 commuters were forced to stand in line at the fare card vending machines to obtain a fare card. He is going to talk to WMATA officials about that to see that that does not happen again. He commended the staff of DASH in this regard.

(b) Councilman Donley updated Council with respect to a project that the Mayor and he have been working on along with the City Manager; Mr. Flaherty, Economic Development Director; Ms. Snyder, President of the Chamber of Commerce; and a representative from PBS. The project is the Northern Virginia Graduate Center. An Alexandria site is one of 6 finalists for the UVA/Virginia Tech Graduate Center. On September 27, the above-mentioned gave their final shot at the municipal presentation. The City gave the finest presentation that they could have. They put everything that was reasonable on the table in an attempt to bring them to Alexandria. It is now up to the universities to decide at this point. Hopefully, within the next few weeks, we will get some encouraging news that the graduate school is relocating in Alexandria at the Carlyle site.

(c) Councilman Donley spoke about being greeted by the staff of T&ES who were picking up the trash. He indicated that they accidentally pushed the wrong button and the trash emptied onto the street in front of his house. However, he commended the staff for its immediate response in removing it.

(d) Vice Mayor Cleveland announced that on October 27, The Untouchables Organization is sponsoring a boat ride on the Cherry Blossom. It is geared to the business community. This is a fundraiser for a group of young men from the age of 4 to 20. It is $75 and a chance to have fun and to learn about The Untouchables Organization and everything on how to touch these young men's lives.

(e) Councilman Speck introduced Diane Charles and requested her to announce an event on Sunday, October 3. Diane Charles, Director of the Alexandria Volunteer Bureau, announced that on Sunday, October 3, there is going to be the annual Republican-Democrat softball game at Four-Mile Run Park at 1:00 p.m. The proceeds will be going to the Alexandria Volunteer Bureau. It is $5 for individuals and $10 per family.



22. Consideration of a Resolution Supporting the Use of Bicycle Helmets. (Councilmen Donley and Speck) (ROLL-CALL VOTE)

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated September 22, 1993, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 22; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Speck, seconded by Councilman Donley and carried on a ROLL-CALL vote of 5-to-0, City Council adopted the resolution which strongly supports the use of protective bicycle helmets by all cyclists, but particularly for use by children fourteen years and under. The voting was as follows:

Speck "aye" Cleveland "aye"
Donley "aye" Jackson "aye"
Ticer "aye" Pepper out of room
Rich not yet arrived

NOTE: At the end of the Meeting, the vote on this issue was reconsidered. For ease in legislative research, the motions are inserted here as follows:

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Donley, seconded by Councilman Jackson and carried unanimously, at 9:43 p.m., City Council reconsidered Docket Item No. 22 so that Council Member Rich and Councilwoman Pepper could vote on it. The voting was as follows:

Donley "aye" Cleveland "aye"
Jackson "aye" Pepper "aye"
Ticer "aye" Rich "aye"
Speck "aye"

THEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Donley, seconded by Vice Mayor Cleveland and carried on a unanimous ROLL-CALL vote, City Council adopted the resolution which strongly supports the use of protective bicycle helmets by all cyclists, but particularly for use by children fourteen years and under. The voting was as follows:

Donley "aye" Jackson "aye"
Cleveland "aye" Pepper "aye"
Ticer "aye" Rich "aye"
Speck "aye"

The resolution reads as follows:
WHEREAS, residents of this city find bicycle riding to be a popular recreational activity, an effective source of exercise and an environmentally sound and cost-effective means of transportation to work and other social activities; and

WHEREAS, an estimated 90 million Americans ride bicycles, of whom approximately 20% ride a bicycle more than once a week; and

WHEREAS, between 1984 and 1988, 2,985 bicyclists in the United States died from head injuries and 905,752 suffered head injuries that were treated in hospital emergency rooms; and


WHEREAS, the majority of medical authorities agree that use of protective helmets by bicyclists would significantly decrease the incidence of bicycle-related head injuries and fatalities; and

WHEREAS, 41% of bicycle-related head injury deaths and 76% of bicycle-related head injuries occur among children aged fourteen years and under; and

WHEREAS, this city has nearly 12,000 children aged fourteen years and under living within its borders;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Alexandria, Virginia, strongly endorses and encourages the use of protective bicycle helmets by all cyclists, particularly children aged fourteen years and under.

23. Consideration of a Resolution Approving the Recycled Product Procurement Policy for City Agencies. (ROLL-CALL VOTE)

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated September 20, 1993, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 23; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Councilman Jackson, seconded by Vice Mayor Cleveland and carried on a ROLL-CALL vote of 6-to-0, City Council adopted the resolution outlining the Recycled Product Procurement Policy prepared by the Recycling Study Subcommittee. The policy is an effort to ensure the continued success of the City's recycling initiatives by promoting the purchase of products manufactured with recycled materials. The voting was as follows:

Jackson "aye" Donley "aye"
Cleveland "aye" Pepper "aye"
Ticer "aye" Rich not yet arrived
Speck "aye"

The resolution reads as follows:
WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the importance of recycling programs in reducing waste disposal, conserving resources, and preserving environmental quality; and

WHEREAS, stimulating markets for recyclable materials is essential to the success of local government recycling programs; and

WHEREAS, the use of products containing recyclable material from recycling programs, or post-consumer materials, stimulates these markets by creating a demand for recyclable materials; and

WHEREAS, Virginia law, Title 15.1-11.5:1, provides local governments with the authority to establish a 10% price preference for the purchase of recycled paper and paper products meeting the U.S. EPA recommended content standards; and

WHEREAS, a Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) survey finds that those public agencies with formal policies and ordinances tend to buy more and a wider variety of recycled products than agencies without such enactments;


(1) Definitions:

For the purpose of this resolution, the following definitions apply:

b. Recycled Product - "Recycled Product" shall be defined as any product which is in whole or in part composed of recovered materials.


(2) Procurement Program:


(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated September 24, 1993, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 24; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Vice Mayor Cleveland, seconded by Councilman Jackson and carried unanimously by all those present, City Council scheduled a work session with the Alexandria Commission on Employment in the Council Workroom on Tuesday, October 12, 1993, at 6:00 p.m., followed by the Commission on Disabled Persons Disability Employment Awareness Month reception which is already scheduled for 7:00 p.m.; noted the City Council/School Board work session on Monday, October 25, in the Council Workroom at 7:30 p.m. and the City Council/School Board work session on Monday, November 15, 7:30 p.m. at the Minnie Howard Ninth Grade Center. The voting was as follows:

Cleveland "aye" Donley "aye"
Jackson "aye" Pepper "aye"
Ticer "aye" Rich not yet arrived
Speck "aye"


2 Citizen Members

(The following persons volunteered for appointment to the above Commission:)

Ruth Cleveland*

Tara Hardiman*

Mary Pike

Karen Spinks

(Material pertaining to the above appointments is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 25; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)

Whereupon, ballots were distributed, tellers were appointed and the ballots tallied with the following results: City Council reappointed Ruth Cleveland and Tara Hardiman as Citizen Members to the Alexandria Commission on the Status of Women. The voting was as follows:

Ticer - Cleveland, Hardiman
Cleveland - Did not vote
Donley - Cleveland, Hardiman
Jackson - Cleveland, Hardiman
Pepper - Cleveland, Hardiman
Rich - Cleveland, Hardiman
Speck - Cleveland, Hardiman
1 Citizen Member

(The following persons volunteered for appointment to the above Commission:)

Doris Ablard

Mary Anne Dooley

(Material pertaining to the above appointment is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 26; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)


Whereupon, ballots were distributed, tellers were appointed and the ballots tallied with the following result: City Council appointed Doris Ablard as a Citizen Member to the Alexandria Early Childhood Development Commission. The voting was as follows:

Ticer - Ablard
Cleveland - Ablard
Donley - Ablard
Jackson - Ablard
Pepper - Ablard
Rich - Ablard
Speck - Ablard

(The following persons volunteered or were recommended for appointment to the above Commission:


2 Health Professional Members

Deborah Bombard

Barbara Cebuhar Collette Caprara

Ruth Hanft

David O'Brien*

3 Non-Health Professional Members

Helen Donovan*

Lisa Kowalik*

Matthew Natale

John Stanton*

(Material pertaining to the above appointments is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 27; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)

Whereupon, ballots were distributed, tellers were appointed and the ballots tallied with the following results: City Council reappointed David O'Brien and appointed Barbara Cebuhar as Health Professional Members and reappointed Helen Donovan, Lisa Kowalik and John Stanton as Non-Health Professional Members to the Alexandria Public Health Advisory Commission. The voting was as follows:


Ticer - Hanft, O'Brien, Donovan, Kowalik, Stanton
Cleveland - Cebuhar, O'Brien, Donovan, Kowalik,
Donley - Cebuhar, O'Brien, Donovan, Kowalik,
Jackson - Hanft, O'Brien, Donovan, Kowalik, Stanton
Pepper - Hanft, O'Brien, Donovan, Kowalik, Stanton
Rich - Cebuhar, O'Brien, Donovan, Kowalik,
Speck - Cebuhar, O'Brien, Donovan, Kowalik,

(The following persons volunteered for appointment to the above Committee:)

Jonathan Aaronsohn

Kathleen Baker*

Henry Brooks*

Frederica Dunn

Doris Hetzel

Shellyn McCaffrey

Marion Dabney Oakley*

(Material pertaining to the above appointments is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked collectively as Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 28; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)

Whereupon, ballots were distributed, tellers were appointed and the ballots tallied with the following results: City Council reappointed Kathleen Baker, Henry Brooks, and Marion Dabney Oakley and appointed Frederica Dunn and Shellyn McCaffrey as Citizen Members to the Alexandria Sister Cities Committee. The voting was as follows:

Ticer - Baker, Brooks, Dunn, Hetzel, Oakley
Cleveland - Baker, Brooks, Hetzel, McCaffrey, Oakley
Donley - Baker, Brooks, Dunn, McCaffrey, Oakley
Jackson - Baker, Brooks, Dunn, McCaffrey, Oakley
Pepper - Aaronsohn, Baker, Brooks, Dunn, Oakley
Rich - Baker, Brooks, Dunn, McCaffrey, Oakley
Speck - Aaronsohn, Baker, Brooks, McCaffrey,



29. Discussion of Status Report on the Arlington/RF&P Land Swap Proposal. (Council Member Rich)

(A copy of the City Manager's memorandum dated September 23, 1993, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 29; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)


Planning Commission
30. SUP #2717 - Consideration of a request for a Special Use Permit to operate a fraternal organization located at 2417 Mount Vernon Avenue; zoned CL, Commercial Low. applicant: Stepping Stones Club, Inc., by Frank M. McIntrye. (#35 9/18/93)

COMMISSION ACTION: Recommendation Approval 7-0

(A copy of the Planning Commission report dated September 7, 1993, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 1 of Item No. 30; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.

A copy of Mr. Lynn's memorandum dated September 14, 1993, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 2 of Item No. 30; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.

A copy of Mr. Lynn's memorandum dated September 23, 1993, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 3 of Item No. 30; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.

A copy of a memorandum dated September 25, 1993, initialed by concerned parties,, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 4 of Item No. 30; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.

A copy of a letter from Mr. LaMois dated September 23, 1993, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and Clerk of Council, marked Exhibit No. 5 of Item No. 30; 9/28/93, and is incorporated herewith as part of this record by reference.)

WHEREUPON, upon motion by Vice Mayor Cleveland, seconded by Councilman Donley and carried unanimously, City Council approved the recommendation of the Planning Commission, to approve the request, subject to compliance with all applicable codes, ordinances and staff recommendations, with the additions that have been initialed by the parties in the memorandum dated September 25, 1993, together with enclosure. The voting was as follows:

Cleveland "aye" Jackson "aye"
Donley "aye" Pepper "aye"
Ticer "aye" Rich "aye"
Speck "aye"

AT THIS POINT, City Council reconsidered Docket Item No. 22. Please see page 11 of these proceedings for action taken.


THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS TO BE CONSIDERED, upon motion by Councilman Donley, seconded by Vice Mayor Cleveland and carried unanimously, at 9:45 p.m., the Regular Meeting of September 28, 1993, was adjourned. The voting was as follows:

Donley "aye" Jackson "aye"
Cleveland "aye" Pepper "aye"
Ticer "aye" Rich "aye"
Speck "aye"


____________________________________ ATTEST:

Beverly I. Jett, CMC City Clerk


This docket is subject to change.

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Full-text copies of ordinances, resolutions, and agenda items are available in the Office of the City Clerk and Clerk of the Council.
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Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in the City Council meeting may call the City Clerk and Clerk of Council's Office at 838-4500 (TTY/TDD 838-5056). We request that you provide a 48-hour notice so that the proper arrangements may be made.
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