Regular Public Hearing

Wednesday- May 17, 2000
7:30 PM Council Chambers, City Hall
301 King Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314

The Board of Architectural Review docket
is subject to change up to the time of the meeting.
Planning and Zoning staff
can provide information on changes.

Staff reports on each item are available
in the Department of Planning and Zoning.

The Board of Architectural Review reserves the right to
vary the order of the meeting, if so announced.

Department of Planning and Zoning
301 King Street, City Hall, Room 2100
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
phone: (703) 746-4666

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1. Consideration of the Minutes of the public hearing of April 19, 2000.
BOARD ACTION: Approved as amended, 6-0.

2. Consideration of a Consent Calendar of items to be approved without discussion. A list of these items will be read at the beginning of the meeting.
BOARD ACTION: Approved docket item #'s 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, & 9 on the Consent Calendar, 6-0.


3. CASE BAR-2000-0075
Request for approval of a sign "Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream & Frozen Yogurt" at 103 South Union Street, zoned CD Commercial.
BOARD ACTION: Approved on the Consent Calendar.

4. CASE BAR-2000-0079
Request for approval of signs "Antiques" at 277 South Washington Street, zoned CD Commercial.
APPLICANT: Elizabeth Wainstein & Jim Wilhoit
BOARD ACTION: Approved on the Consent Calendar.

5. CASE BAR-2000-0086
Request for approval to install handrails on front stair at 1317 King Street, zoned CD Commercial.
APPLICANT: James K. O'Rourke
BOARD ACTION: Approved on the Consent Calendar.

6. CASE BAR-2000-0087
Request for approval of a wall sign EBRAINS to be installed at 610 Madison Street, zoned CD-X Commercial Downtown.
BOARD ACTION: Approved on the Consent Calendar.

8. CASE BAR-2000-0093
Request for approval of a fence to be installed on the lot at 225 South West Street, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Shiloh Baptist Church
BOARD ACTION: Approved on the Consent Calendar.

9. CASE BAR-2000-0094
Request for approval of a fence to be installed at 1003 Duke Street, zoned CL Commercial.
APPLICANT: Michael Christini
BOARD ACTION: Approved on the Consent Calendar.



7. CASE BAR-2000-0088
Request for approval to paint previously unpainted masonry dwelling at 127 Quay Street, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Glenn S. Lockhardt
BOARD ACTION: Deferred, 4-2.

10. CASE BAR-99-0199
Request for approval of a new office building to be constructed at 1229 King Street, zoned CD Commercial.
APPLICANT: King Street Associates
BOARD ACTION: Approved as submitted, 6-0.

11. CASE BAR-2000-0045
Request for approval of a permit to demolish and capsulate portions of the dwelling at 801 South Fairfax Street, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Lawrence & Vicky Farrell
BOARD ACTION: Deferred for restudy, 6-0.

12. CASE BAR-2000-0046
Request for approval of additions and alterations to be made to the dwelling at 801 South Fairfax Street, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Lawrence & Vicky Farrell
BOARD ACTION: Deferred for restudy, 6-0.

13. CASE BAR-2000-0049
Request for approval of a permit to demolish and capsulate portions of the dwelling at 105 Quay Street, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Arnold Fink & Barbara Palmer
BOARD ACTION: Denied, 6-0.

14. CASE BAR-2000-0050
Request for approval of additions and alterations to be made to the dwelling at 105 Quay Street, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Arnold Fink & Barbara Palmer
BOARD ACTION: Approved portions, denied portions, 6-0.

15. CASE BAR-2000-0082
Request for approval of alterations to deck, parking lot, lighting, signs and landscaping at retail complex at 207 - 211 Strand Street, zoned W-1 Waterfront Mixed Use.
APPLICANT: Strand Street Associates
BOARD ACTION: Approved as amended, 6-0.

16. CASE BAR-2000-0089
Request for approval of a Permit to Demolish and Capsulate portions of the dwelling at 403 Wilkes Street, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Philip Vander Myde, AIA
BOARD ACTION: Approved by roll call vote, 6-0.

17. CASE BAR-2000-0090
Request for approval of a rear addition to be made to the dwelling at 403 Wilkes Street, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Philip Vander Myde, AIA
BOARD ACTION: Approved as amended, 6-0.

18. CASE BAR-2000-0091
Request for re-approval of a Permit to Demolish and Capsulate portions of the dwelling at 700 South Pitt Street, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Daniel R. Bairley, AIA
BOARD ACTION: Approved by roll call vote, 6-0.

19. CASE BAR-2000-0092
Request for re-approval of a rear additionto be made to the dwelling at 700 South Pitt
Street, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Daniel R. Bairley, AIA
BOARD ACTION: Approved as amended, 6-0.



20. CASE BAR-99-0105
Request for after-the-fact approval of awnings with signage and of signs, BILBO BAGGINS GLOBAL CUSINE & WINE, installed at 208 Queen Street, zoned CD Commercial.
APPLICANT: Michael J. Armellino
BOARD ACTION: The Board noted the deferral.

This docket item was deferred pending resolution of outstanding zoning issues.

21. CASE BAR-2000-0037
Request for approval of outdoor seating and signs to read MILANO SUB PIZZA at 828 North Washington Street, zoned CD-X Commercial.
APPLICANT: Meldi Corporation
BOARD ACTION: The Board noted the deferral.

This docket item was deferred because no restudy materials were received.

22. CASE BAR-2000-0057
Request for approval of a Permit to Demolish portions of the dwelling at 609 Princess
Street, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Julie Middleton
BOARD ACTION: The Board noted the deferral.

This docket item was deferred at the request of the applicant.

23. CASE BAR-2000-0058
Request for approval of a rear addition to the dwelling at 609 Princess Street, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Julie Middleton
BOARD ACTION: The Board noted the deferral.

This docket item was deferred at the request of the applicant.

24. CASE BAR-2000-0080
Request for approval of two signs, "King's Antique, Rug Gallery", at 1127 and 1129 King Street, zoned CD Commercial.
APPLICANT: S.H. Shoja Maddahi
BOARD ACTION: The Board noted the deferral.

This docket item was deferred because of inadequate notice.

25. BAR-2000-0083
Request for approval of a Permit to Demolish the buildings at 108 Franklin Street, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Lawrence Brandt, Inc.
BOARD ACTION: The Board noted the deferral.

This docket item was deferred pending approval of a revised Development Special Use Permit by City Council.

26. BAR-2000-0084
Request for approval of construction of 28 new townhouses at 108 Franklin Street, zoned RM Residential.
APPLICANT: Lawrence Brandt, Inc.
BOARD ACTION: The Board noted the deferral.

This docket item was deferred pending approval of a revised Development Special Use Permit by City Council.