Regular Public Hearing

Wednesday- May 10, 2000
7:30 PM Council Chambers, City Hall
301 King Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314

The Board of Architectural Review docket
is subject to change up to the time of the meeting.
Planning and Zoning staff
can provide information on changes.

Staff reports on each item are available
in the Department of Planning and Zoning.

The Board of Architectural Review reserves the right to
vary the order of the meeting, if so announced.

Department of Planning and Zoning
301 King Street, City Hall, Room 2100
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
phone: (703) 746-4666

* * * * *

1. Consideration of the Minutes of the meeting of April 26, 2000.
BOARD ACTION: Approved as submitted, 5-0.

2. Consideration of Consent Calendar of items to be approved without discussion. A list of these items will be read at the beginning of the meeting.
BOARD ACTION: Approved items #3 and #4 on consent calendar, 5-0.


3. CASE BAR-2000-0095
Request for approval of two signs "Visitor Parking" and "Permit Parking Only" at 400 North Columbus Street, zoned CL Commercial.
APPLICANT: Dominic Lapus
BOARD ACTION: Approved on consent calendar, 5-0.

4. CASE BAR-2000-0096
Request for approval to capsulate portions of the existing dwelling at 1602 Boyle Street, zoned RB Residential.
APPLICANT: Beth Harclerode Coast
BOARD ACTION: Approved on consent calendar, 5-0.



5. CASE BAR-2000-0097
Request for approval of a rear addition at 1602 Boyle Street, zoned RB Residential.
APPLICANT: Beth Harclerode Coast
BOARD ACTION: Deferred for restudy, 6-0.



6. CASE BAR-2000-0032
Request for approval of a sign at 316 North Henry Street, zoned CL Commercial.
APPLICANT: Nubian Star Hair Palace
BOARD ACTION: The Board noted the deferral.

This item has been deferred pending resolution of a zoning violation.

7. CASE BAR-2000-0085
Request for approval of a latticework patio covering at 1023 Queen Street, zoned CL Commercial.
APPLICANT: Isle Inn Tours, Ltd.
BOARD ACTION: The Board noted the deferral.

This item was deferred at the request of the applicant.

8. CASE BAR-2000-0098
Request for approval to demolish and capsulate portions of the dwelling at 518 North Alfred Street, zoned RB Residential.
APPLICANT: Stoiber & Associates, PC
BOARD ACTION: The Board noted the deferral.

This item was deferred pending the resolution of zoning issues.

9. CASE BAR-2000-0099
Request for approval of additions and alterations to the dwelling at 518 North Alfred Street, zoned RB Residential.
APPLICANT: Stoiber & Associates, PC
BOARD ACTION: The Board noted the deferral.

This item was deferred pending the resolution of zoning issues.



ADJOURNMENT: 8:15 p.m.