City of Alexandria, Virginia
Office of the City Manager
Alexandria City Hall
301 King Street, Suite 3500
Alexandria, Virginia 22314-3211
Telephone: 703.838.4300
Fax : 703.838.6343

Alexandria Named One of America’s Best Cities for Women

The City of Alexandria was selected as one of the Best Cities for Women by Ladies’ Home Journal magazine in its April 2002 issue. Out of the 143 cities included in the Journal’s “Small Cities” category, Alexandria was ranked as the second best city for women. The city was also ranked as best out of all 200 cities surveyed in the “Education” category, noting that “when it comes to education, Alexandria, VA, bests the rest,” as well as first in the overall “Child Care” category, stating that their research “indicates Alexandria, VA, is the place where you’ll find child care most accessible.”

Alexandria Mayor Kerry J. Donley said “This again confirms what we, in Alexandria, have known. Alexandria is a city which is proud to provide a wealth of opportunities and services for our residents to enhance their quality of life. Our city’s rich history and diverse population, in concert with these services and programs, provides a wonderful quality of life for everyone.”

This is the third year in a row that the Ladies’ Home Journal has picked Alexandria as one of the nation’s best cities for women. Last year, Alexandria was Alexandria ranked number one and was declared “Best Overall.” This year, for the first time, the Journal made its overall rankings in two categories – “Large Cities,” including 57 cities with a population more than 300,000 people, and “Small Cities,” including 143 cities with populations less than 300,000.

For the past five years, the Ladies’ Home Journal has been surveying America’s 200 most populous cities and ranking them according to the qualities that are of particular concern to women – a low crime rate, a pleasant lifestyle, good public schools, plentiful job opportunities, quality child and health care resources, and a significant number of women in local government. The Journal also looked at a variety of lifestyle factors that affect daily life, including commuting times, divorce rates and weather conditions. The Journal obtained data from federal, state and local sources and with the help of a demographics firm selected their best cities. The Ladies Home Journal story is available online at

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