City of Alexandria, Virginia
Office of the City Manager
Alexandria City Hall
301 King Street, Suite 3500
Alexandria, Virginia 22314-3211
Telephone: 703.838.4300
Fax : 703.838.6343

For Immediate Release
January 31, 2005
PIO 030-05/rdo

Public Meetings Planned for Alexandria FY 2006 City Budget

The Alexandria City Council has announced the schedule of work sessions and public hearings for the FY 2006 budget. City Manager Jim Hartmann will present his proposed Fiscal Year 2006 budget and FY 2006 - 2011 Capital Improvement Program to the City Council during the legislative meeting on March 8 at 7 pm in the Council Chamber, City Hall, 301 King St. The proposals for the FY 2006 Operating Budget and the proposed FY 2006 - 2011 Capital Improvement Program will be posted on the City’s web site the evening of March 8. Copies will also be available in hard copy and CD-ROM format in the Office of Management and Budget, City Hall, Room 3630. The City Council is scheduled to adopt the FY 2006 operating and capital budgets on May 2.

The 2005 Real Property Assessment Notices will be mailed to residents on Feb. 8 and will be posted on the City’s web site on Feb. 9.

A series of budget work sessions and public hearings are planned before the City Council is scheduled to adopt the FY 2006 budget on May 2. All budget meetings listed below are open to the public and will be held in the Council Workroom or Council Chamber in City Hall, 301 King St.

March 15 at 7 pm – Overview of Estimated Revenues, Expenditures, and Capital Improvement Program, Personnel Compensation and Benefits

March 29 at 7 pm – To Be Determined

April 4 at 4 pm – Public Hearing

April 6 at 7 pm – School Board Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program (This work session will take place at the George Washington Middle School's library, 1005 Mount Vernon Ave.)

April 11 at 7 pm – To Be Determined

April 27 at 7 pm – Discussion of Budget and Fiscal Affairs Advisory Committee Report and Preliminary City Council Add/Delete List

May 2 at 6 pm and 7 pm – Final City Council Add/Delete List; and Budget and Tax Rate Adoption

To sign up to speak at the public hearing, call 703.838.4550 or visit and click on Council Dockets.

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