For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
April 18, 2007
PIO# 096-07/rdo
Steve Mason, Director of Communications, at 703.838.4300
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Firms Named as Finalists for Alexandria Technology Achievement Award

Alexandria’s Mayor William D. Euille and Technology Achievement Award Committee Chairman Page Moon today (April 18) announced the names of the four Alexandria businesses selected as finalists for the 11th Annual Alexandria Technology Achievement Award.

The 2007 Technology Award finalists are Covanta Energy Corp., e-fense, Inc., H2Gen Innovations, Inc., and NetBlender, Inc. The finalists were selected by a panel of three judges representing the business community.

The winner of the Technology Achievement Award will be announced during Technology Achievement Week in Alexandria, May 14 - 18. The award will be presented at a luncheon on Friday, May 18, at the Holiday Inn Hotel and Suites, 625 First St. The luncheon honoring the award winner and the finalists will highlight Alexandria Technology Achievement Week, showcasing advancements in the development and application of technology by Alexandria-based businesses.

The judges evaluated each nomination on the basis of its technological achievement and its impact on the business, its industry, and/or the City of Alexandria. The judging panel consisted of Kostas Liopiros, a member of the City’s Commission on Information Technology; Dennis Garcia, President of Potomac Management Corp. and a member of the Mayor’s Economic Sustainability Work Group; and Marc Wolverton, of G2 Tactics, Inc., the winner of the 2006 Alexandria Technology Achievement Award.

Alexandria Technology Achievement Week and the Alexandria Technology Achievement Award are sponsored cooperatively by the City of Alexandria, the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce, and the Alexandria Economic Development Partnership, Inc. The award originated in 1997 with the Ad Hoc Task Force on Information and Communication Technologies, which was succeeded by the Commission on Information Technology. The Commission is comprised of members of the Alexandria City School Board, the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce, the Library Board, City telecommunications providers, residents, and Council members Del Pepper and Rob Krupicka. Alexandria is at the center of Northern Virginia’s fast growing technology industry. Currently, nearly 350 technology firms employ more than 12,000 workers in the City.

The events of the 2007 Alexandria Technology Achievement Week include:

· On Tuesday, May 8, 7 p.m., City Council will honor the finalists with an official proclamation in City Council Chambers at City Hall, 301 King St.

· On Friday, May 18, at noon, the Alexandria Technology Achievement Award luncheon will be held at the Holiday Inn Hotel and Suites, 625 First St., and the winner will be announced. In addition to the award presentation, a video produced by T. C. Williams High School students will be shown, highlighting the technological achievements of the honored firms and the advantages offered by Alexandria as a location for technology companies.


Covanta Energy Corporation
Michael Renga, Business Manager
Press Contact: Michael Renga, 703-370-7722

Covanta has been turning trash into electrical power in a process known as waste-to-energy (WTE). In 2007, the company will be modifying its plant to put a ferrous metal recovery system online to recycle metal from our process. Covanta anticipates recycling 10,000 - 15,000+ tons of metal per year.

e-fense, Inc.
Rowland Kirks, Chief Operating Officer
Press Contact: Rowland Kirks, 703-535-6860

E-fense is a leading e-discovery, computer forensic analysis and incident response firm that was founded by litigators and computer forensic investigators. Computer forensic techniques allow the cost effective and safe recovery of evidence normally invisible to the user.

H2Gen Innovations, Inc.
Barney Rush, Chief Executive Officer
Press Contact: Barney Rush, 703-212-7444

H2Gen Innovations designs, manufactures, and markets low-cost on-site hydrogen generators and gas purification plants. Products serve the existing industrial gases market; will be a key enabling technology for the emerging hydrogen economy; and will become valuable in markets requiring transformation of hydrocarbon molecules – gas-to-liquids; bio-fuels; and improved gas-turbine combustion.

NetBlender, Inc.
John Harrington, Chief Executive Officer
Press Contact: John Harrington, 800-701-8496

NetBlender is a software company that is creating a new type of entertainment – Blended Entertainment™ – from its core technology, netBlender™, that fuses online media with DVDs as a tool for education, law enforcement, city industry training, and corporate communications.

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