For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
June 27, 2006
PIO# 162-06jbh
Brian Hannigan, Director of Communications or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Alexandria Warns Residents and Businesses to Prepare for Additional Flooding

With more heavy rain likely for the next few days, the City of Alexandria is urging all residents and businesses to prepare for the possibility of abnormally high water levels along the Potomac River and additional flash flooding at any time.

The National Weather Service has issued a coastal flood watch for Tuesday evening and it is expected that minor flooding may develop during every high tide over the next few days. The City is monitoring river conditions and will respond appropriately as conditions warrant. Residents and businesses in the Old Town area are urged to take all possible precautions to protect their property from tidal flooding.

In addition, locally heavy rainfall may result in flash flooding at any time. All residents and businesses should prepare for potential flooding and other storm impacts and take necessary steps to keep their homes and families safe.

Homeowners are encouraged to clean out their homes’ gutters, clear debris from downspouts, and if the home has a sump pump, make sure it is operating properly. Heavy rains may cause backups through plumbing and floor drains in some parts of Alexandria, especially near Commonwealth Avenue. Residents in low-lying areas and those whose homes are historically subject to flash flooding are urged to take extra precautions. For more information, residents are advised to check the City’s web site at or call 703.838.4800.

As of Tuesday afternoon, all city offices and services are open on normal schedules.

The City’s Emergency Operations Center will continue to operate as long as necessary. In the event of a life-threatening emergency, Alexandrians should call 911. Persons reporting downed trees or other non-emergency situations should call Alexandria’s City Hotline at 703-836-0041 before 5:00 p.m. and 703-548-6257 after hours.