For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
June 5, 2006
PIO# 146-06/rdo
Brian Hannigan, Director of Communications, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Alexandria Commission on Persons with Disabilities and the Port City Playhouse
Present Tennessee Williams’ “Summer and Smoke”
Proceeds from the Play Support the Commission’s
Gerry Bertier Scholarship and Community Organization Grant

The Alexandria Commission on Persons with Disabilities (ACPD) will hold its annual fundraiser at the Port City Playhouse with the presentation of “Summer and Smoke,” a play by Tennessee Williams. The play will take place at 8 pm on Saturday, June 10, at the Port City Playhouse, which is located at the Nannie J. Lee Center, 1108 Jefferson St. Proceeds from the play will support the ACPD’s Gerry Bertier Scholarship and Community Organization Grant.

“Summer and Smoke” is classic play that involves a clash of personalities between a minister’s daughter and a doctor’s son in a Mississippi town during a summer in the early 1900s. Tickets cost $20. Opportunities are available to further a commitment to persons with disabilities by supporting ACPD as a Friend at $50, a Sponsor at $100, a Patron at $150, and a Benefactor at $250. Donations will also be accepted at any amount.

Accessible parking will be available in addition to alternative formats, assistive listening devices, dispersed seating for wheelchair users, sign language interpreters, and audio description. Accessible parking will be located in the main parking area, which is near an accessible entrance.

For more information or to order tickets, make a donation, or request reasonable accommodations or alternative formats, call Mike Hatfield at 703.519.3357, 703.838.4976 TTY, or e-mail

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