For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
June 22, 2006
PIO# 149-06/rdo
Brian Hannigan, Director of Communications, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Alexandria Commission for the Arts
Extends Window for Nomination Call for 2006 Alex Awards

The Alexandria Commission for the Arts extended the time frame for calls for nominations for the 2006 Alex Awards from individuals, organizations, schools and businesses who have made exceptional contributions to the cultural life in the City of Alexandria. All nominations must be submitted to the Alexandria Commission for the Arts’ office, 1108 Jefferson Street, by the close of business day on Friday, June 30.

This annual Alex Award program, sponsored by the Alexandria Commission for the Arts, promotes interest and involvement in the arts by recognizing excellence in four categories: Artistic- Excellence in an Artistic Discipline; Community - Excellence in Service to the Arts; Education - Outstanding Contributions to Arts Education; and Business - Innovative Partnerships between Businesses and the Arts. The Alexandria Commission for the Arts invites colleagues in these sectors to help inspire and sustain a creative environment for the Alexandria community throughout the year. In each of the four categories, the Alex Award will be an original work of art commissioned from a local Alexandria artist.

The 2006 Alex Awards will be presented at a city-wide event scheduled for Friday, October 20, at the Dr. Oswald Durant Memorial Center, 1605 Cameron Street.

To obtain a nomination form or request further information, please call the Commission’s office at 703.838.6348, or e-mail:

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