City of Alexandria, Virginia
Office of the City Manager
Alexandria City Hall
301 King Street, Suite 3500
Alexandria, Virginia 22314-3211
Telephone: 703.838.4300
Fax : 703.838.6343

For information call:
Connie Lennox, Director of Development, Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority, 703.549.7115 ext. 231
Barbara J. Gordon, City of Alexandria Public Information Officer 703.838.4300

Groundbreaking Ceremony Scheduled for Chatham Square
Alexandria's Newest Mixed-Income Community

The Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority, the City of Alexandria, and Eakin/Youngentob Associates, will break ground on March 10 for a new mixed-income community. Samuel Madden Homes (Downtown), a public housing complex built more than 60 years ago, will be redeveloped as Chatham Square with a mix of market-rate and subsidized housing. The groundbreaking ceremony will be held at 10:30 am on the property at Princess Street between N. Pitt and N. Royal Streets.

This project is an innovative public-private partnership which will result in 152 residential units on the Samuel Madden site, 52 of which will be affordable rental homes operated as public housing units, and 100 of which will be market rate townhouses for sale to the public. In addition, 48 other public housing units will be constructed on three other sites in Alexandria. The new public housing will be funded with a mix of federal, state, local and private monies.

The 100-unit Samuel Madden - downtown complex was built in the 1940s. After years of discussions about how to redevelop the property, it was torn down in July 2003.

Construction of Chatham Square is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2005.