For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
January 19, 2007
PIO# 018-07/rdo
Brian Hannigan, Director of Communications, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300


Magazine Honors Bolivian Immigrant for Service to Hispanic Community in City

As a Volunteer Coordinator for the City of Alexandria’s Department of Human Services, Ricardo Drumond has helped more than 7,000 Spanish-speaking immigrants receive essential services and learn needed skills. Washingtonian Magazine recognized the value of his efforts by naming Drumond 2006 “Washingtonian of the Year.” Awardees are featured in the January 2007 issue now on sale.

The magazine recognizes Drumond for his outstanding contributions to improving the quality of life for Hispanic immigrants in Alexandria. Drumond developed a model program to educate new immigrants, who often arrive with little or no preparation for urban life in the United States or formal education.

“This is a well-deserved honor for a man who cares greatly about serving community needs in the City of Alexandria,” said JoAnn Maldonado, Alexandria Multicultural Services Coordinator. “We are very appreciative of Washingtonian Magazine for recognizing the success of our programs and the great dedication that Ricardo Drumond and others bring to their work in our City.”

Drumond recognized a need to connect new immigrants with available services and to teach them life skills in a manner less intimidating than standard-classroom instruction.

He transformed a one-time, grant-funded program with a few dozen students who received training in a church basement into a program that serves more than 200 students in 10 classrooms at the George Washington Middle School. Participants receive services such as English classes, health screenings, referrals, and workshops on parenting, getting a driver’s license, becoming a citizen, beating addictions, and improving credit. Several former students are attending college. Because of Drumond’s success, the program may expand to include other immigrant groups.

Drumond, a native of Bolivia, began working for the City in 1987 as the Hispanic Outreach Coordinator for the Department of Human Services. He presently oversees a dozen community programs.

The Washingtonian ( serves as a guide to living, working, and playing in the nation’s capital and publishes features such as the “100 Very Best Restaurants,” “Top Doctors,” and “Great Places to Live.” The magazine annually presents the Washingtonian of the Year awards to recognize individuals who give their time and talents to make the world a better place.

For additional information on Ricardo Drumond and programs conducted by the Department of Human Services, call Dara Schumaier at 703-838-0827 or email
