Public Information Office
2003 Mill Road
Alexandria, Virginia 22314

NOVEMBER 1, 2004

Two Men Indicted for Killing Pizza Delivery Man

Today an Alexandria grand jury indicted two men for the September 16 murder of Musharaf Shah. Metkel Alana, 26, and Antowaun Lynch, 20, were indicted for Capital Murder for the shooting death of Mr. Shah, a 47-year-old Alexandria man, in the 200 block of North Fayette Street. Mr. Shah had just made a pizza delivery to a nearby business when he was robbed and then killed.

Alana, who is also known as Kenneth Foster, and Lynch were arrested shortly after the murder. They were stopped by police in Old Town after they robbed a 35-year-old Alexandria woman in the 800 block of South Lee Street. They were charged with Robbery and have been held without bond in the Alexandria Detention Center since then.

Alana, of no fixed address, and Lynch, of 1005 Balsamtree Drive in Fairmount Height, Md., were also indicted on other charges including robbery and firearm offenses.

Note: Photos of the suspects appear below.


Metkel Alana

Antowaun Lynch