For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
May 25, 2006
PIO# 107-06/rdo
Brian Hannigan, Director of Communications, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Be Prepared for Hurricanes

The 2006 Atlantic hurricane season is expected to bring a higher than normal number of hurricanes to the East Coast. The Alexandria Office of Emergency Management, along with the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, encourages residents to prepare for the hurricane season, which extends from June 1 through Nov. 30.

The Alexandria Fire Department’s Emergency Management Office and the National Weather Service offer these safety tips to protect lives and reduce property damage:


C Know your risk. Some areas of Alexandria near the Potomac River are prone to flooding during storms with high winds and at high tide.

C If you live in a flood-prone area, identify where to go if you are told to evacuate and the safest route to get there. If there is a flood, you may only have minutes to get to safety. Choose several places - a friend’s home in another town, a motel or a shelter. Remember, public shelters and many motels don’t allow pets in their facilities. (Shelter locations are announced when an evacuation is recommended, and locations vary based on the area being evacuated. Stay tuned to local radio and TV for shelter locations. Alexandria’s first source of information during an emergency is radio station WTOP 103.5 FM and 820 AM.)

C Get ready for a possible power outage by gathering a minimum one-week supply of foods that do not require refrigeration or cooking, such as canned goods, as well as bottled water, flashlights with extra batteries, a first-aid kit and battery-powered radio. If you need to evacuate, make sure you can consolidate these items into a portable “go” kit, like a backpack or duffel bag.

C Purchase a NOAA Weather Radio for National Weather Service reports and severe weather warnings.

C Prepare the exterior of your home by cutting dead trees and limbs that could fall.

C If your home or business is in a flood-prone area, make sure you have a current flood insurance policy (not typically part of a standard insurance policy). A 30-day waiting period is generally required when purchasing flood insurance, so take time now to visit your insurance agent to learn more.

C Take pictures of your property before the storm to help validate your claim. Remember to take your insurance policies with you if you need to evacuate.

C Listen to local radio and TV stations for updated storm information. A hurricane or flood watch means possible danger. If the danger increases, a hurricane or flood warning will be issued.

C If you have space in your refrigerator or freezer, consider filling plastic containers with water, leaving about an inch of space inside each one. (Remember, water expands as it freezes, so it is important to leave room in the container for the expanded water.) Place the containers in the refrigerator and freezer. This chilled or frozen water will help keep food cold for several hours if the power goes out.

C Fill your bathtub with water to use for toilet flushing in case water services are unavailable following the storm.

C Bring in garbage cans, lawn furniture and other items that could blow away.

C Fill your car’s gas tank. Functional gas stations will be in short supply in a power outage.


C Be aware that floods are deceptive. Avoid already-flooded areas. Floodwaters that are above your knees are dangerous. Don’t try to go forward: Turn around and go back to higher ground.

C If you find floodwaters on the road while driving, turn around and find an alternate route. The road could be washed out, and rapidly rising water could lift your car and carry it away.

C Listen to local radio stations for official disaster relief information and instructions.

C Prepare to be without power, telephone or any outside services for a week or more.

C Watch out for downed power lines, weakened structures, rodents and snakes, and avoid standing water.

C Avoid drinking tap water unless officials say it is safe to do so. Eat only foods you are absolutely sure are safe.

C Be extra careful when handling power tools, gas lanterns and matches.

• Operate generators outdoors only in a well-ventilated, dry area, away from air intakes to the home. Never use a generator indoors or in attached garages. Poor ventilation can result in carbon monoxide poisoning or death.

C Avoid using candles as a light source. Deadly fires can result. Have flashlights with fresh batteries on hand instead.

For more information on Emergency Preparedness in the City of Alexandria, call Patsieann Misiti at 703.838.4600, extension 222.

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