Public Information Office
2003 Mill Road
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
(703) 838-4636

AUGUST 1, 2005
11:30 A.M.

Alexandria Celebrates National Night Out

City officials and McGruff the Crime Fighting Dog will join Alexandria Police in the 22nd annual National Night Out, on Tuesday, August 2, from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. This special celebration is part of a nationwide crime and drug prevention effort sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch.

To heighten awareness of crime prevention, citizens in more than 25 Alexandria communities will turn on their porch lights and hold neighborhood cook-outs and block parties in support of National Night Out. Mayor William D. Euille, members of City Council, the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney, and Chief of Police Charles E. Samarra will reaffirm the City's commitment to fighting crime by visiting residents throughout the City.

McGruff, the K-9 Unit, the Bike Patrol, the US Park Police Mounted Horse Patrol and the Armored Personnel Carrier will tour neighborhoods and offer special demonstrations.

"National Night Out celebrates the spirit of cooperation between police and citizens," says Chief Samarra. "Our citizens certainly deserve much of the credit for Alexandria’s steady drop in serious crime, and National Night Out gives us a special opportunity to enjoy our shared success."