For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
July 21, 2006
PIO# 176-06/rdo
Brian Hannigan, Director of Communications, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Alexandria Mayor Euille Appoints Economic Sustainability Work Group
Blue-Ribbon Panel to Recommend Steps to Ensure City’s Economic and Fiscal Health

Alexandria Mayor William D. Euille today announced the appointment of ten business and community leaders to the City’s newly created Mayor’s Economic Sustainability Work Group. The group was established by the Alexandria City Council last month to build on the work of the City’s Economic Development Sustainability Summit held in January 2006.

“I am very pleased that these outstanding leaders have agreed to participate in this important venture for our City,” said Mayor Euille. “We are truly fortunate to have assembled such a diverse and successful group to help chart Alexandria’s future economic course.”

The group will study the economic challenges and opportunities facing the City of Alexandria over the coming years and make recommendations to the City Council by the end of 2006.

Specific areas of the Mayor’s Economic Sustainability Work Group’s planned activities include:

• Reviewing and analyzing information on the City’s economic and financial status, demographics, and the economic development potential based on the City’s adopted land use plans;

• Assessing the City’s reputation with potential businesses and considering how it can be improved;

• Reviewing and benchmarking the City’s existing economic development, tax and business retention and recruitment policies and programs;

• Examining case studies of other cities that have confronted similar issues; and

• Addressing related issues such as affordable workforce housing, reducing reliance on real estate taxes and identifying ways to expand new revenue sources.

Members of the Mayor’s Economic Sustainability Work Group

James Butler
Co-Chair, Alexandria Federation of Civic Associations

Lavern Chatman
President and Chief Executive Officer, Northern Virginia Urban League

Dr. Stephen Fuller
Director, Center for Regional Analysis
School of Public Policy
George Mason University

Dennis Garcia
Chief Executive Officer, Potomac Management Group

Charlotte Hall
Vice President, Potomac River Boat Company

Mark Kington
President, Kington Management Corporation

Greg Leisch
Chief Executive Officer, Delta Associates

The Honorable John K. Meagher
Former Assistant Secretary of U.S. Treasury

Nigel Morris
Co-Founder and Former President, Capital One

Lonnie Rich
Chairman, Board of Directors
Alexandria Chamber of Commerce

“I am truly excited to have this talented and experienced group working to ensure Alexandria’s future economic health,” said Mayor Euille. “On behalf of all Alexandrians, I thank them for their commitment and service to our City.”

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