For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
June 7, 2007
PIO# PIO 146-07
Steve Mason, Director of Communications, at 703.838.4300

Alexandria Commission for the Arts Announces
“Call to Artists” for the Creation of the 2007 Alex Awards

The Alexandria Commission for the Arts announces a “Call to Artists” for the creation of the 2007 Alex Awards. Artists are asked to submit a proposal for up to five art pieces. All proposals must be submitted to the Alexandria Commission for the Arts’ office, 1108 Jefferson Street, by the close of business on Wednesday, June 20, 2007. Artist(s) will be compensated $500 for each work chosen.

The Alex Awards recognizes individuals, organizations, schools and businesses that have made exceptional contributions to the cultural life in the City of Alexandria. Annually, the Awards are given in the following categories: Excellence in an Artistic Discipline, Excellence in Service to the Arts, Outstanding Contribution to Arts Education, an Innovative Partnerships between Businesses and the Arts. Winners of the 2007 Alex Awards receive a commissioned piece of art from an Alexandria artist.

The 2007 Alex Awards will be presented at a citywide event scheduled for Friday, November 2, 2007 at the Dr. Oswald Durant Memorial Center, 1605 Cameron Street, Alexandria, VA. Winners of the 2007 Alex Awards receive a commissioned piece of art from an Alexandria artist.

To receive a “Call to Artists” form or request further information visit, call the Commission’s office at 703.838.6348, or e-mail

The City of Alexandria is committed to compliance with the City’s Human Rights Code and the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request a reasonable accommodation or to request materials in an alternative format, call Cheryl Anne Colton, Cultural Arts Administrator, of the Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities at 703-838-6348 or e-mail

For additional information about other programs and services of the Alexandria Commission for the Arts, call 703-838-6348 or visit

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