For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
October 7, 2005
PIO# 303-05/sjm
Steven J. Mason, Public Information Officer, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

City of Alexandria Responds to FAA’s Rejection of Mirant’s Proposal

Mirant’s proposal to raise the height of the five stacks at its Potomac River Generating Plant, located in the north end of Alexandria, has been rejected by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Following an aeronautical study, the FAA found that Mirant’s structure could be hazardous to air navigation.

“For obvious reasons, we wholeheartedly support the FAA in their determination”, said Mayor William Euille. “Mirant’s effort to end-run local and state officials has been met with a resounding ‘no’ from the federal government. It is time for Mirant to permanently shut down the plant.”

In part, the FAA letter to Mirant states: “Any height exceeding 164 above ground level (197 feet above mean sea level), will result in a substantial adverse effect and would warrant a Determination of Hazard to Air Navigation.” The FAA went further to say that if the structure were reduced “not to exceed 132 feet above ground level, it would not exceed obstruction standards.” Mirant’s existing stacks are 164 feet high; its proposal to the FAA was to raise the stacks to 214 feet above ground level (247 feet above mean sea level).

Not withstanding concerns about the power the Potomac River Generating Plant provides to the Washington D.C. area, Mayor Euille reemphasized the City’s commitment to safeguarding the health of its citizens. “The emissions from Mirant’s coal plant in Alexandria are a hazard to our residents - and now they want to add an obstruction to air traffic in the region,” said Mayor Euille. “Mirant is going in the wrong direction. This is an antiquated plant trying to outlive its usefulness. Instead of moving up, Mirant needs to be moving out.”

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