City of Alexandria, Virginia
Office of the City Manager
Alexandria City Hall
301 King Street, Suite 3500
Alexandria, Virginia 22314-3211
Telephone: 703.838.4300
Fax : 703.838.6343

For Immediate Release
August 13, 2004
PIO 201-04/bg

Preparations Underway in Alexandria
For Potential Flooding from Hurricane Charley

With several inches of rain expected this weekend from the remains of Hurricane Charley, the City of Alexandria is preparing for potential flooding and other storm impacts. Preparations really began on Thursday in anticipation of rains from Tropical Storm Bonnie. City crews delivered 600 sandbags to residents and businesses in Old Town and 150 sandbags to each of two intersections, Commonwealth and Reed and Pitt and Gibbon, for pickup. In addition, a pile of sand was placed at 500 S. Union for residents and businesses to help themselves; shovels are not be provided.

The City is encouraging residents and businesses to take necessary steps to keep their homes and families safe. Homeowners are encouraged to clean out their homes’ gutters, clear debris from down spouts, and if the home has a sump pump, make sure it is operating properly. Heavy rains may cause sewer backups in some parts of Alexandria, especially near Commonwealth Avenue. Because of the large amount of water expected, the sewer system may approach its carrying capacity and may overflow in some areas. It may also back up through plumbing and floor drains. Residents near Commonwealth Avenue are urged to take extra precautions. For more information about prevention tips for sewer backups and hurricane preparations check the City’s web site or call 703.838.4800.

City events scheduled for this weekend, including Sunday’s Cambodia Day at Ben Brenman Park and the weekly Farmers’ Market in Market Square, have not been cancelled. City businesses remain open for business. Updates about City programs and services will be posted on the City web site .

For general information, residents may call the Office of Citizen Assistance at 703.838.4800.