For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
July 5, 2005
PIO# 221-05/jps
Steve Mason, Public Information Officer, or Jacob Patterson-Stein, Public Information Intern, at 703.838.4300
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Alexandria Recycling Expands

The City of Alexandria’s curbside recycling program has been expanded to accept more items for collection. The curbside program will collect office paper and corrugated cardboard, in addition to glass, plastic, aluminum containers, newspapers, magazines, and catalogs.

Office paper includes all colors of office and computer paper, junk mail, envelopes with windows, writing paper, and paperboard (cereal boxes, tissue boxes, etc.). Corrugated cardboard boxes should be flattened and set under the yellow recycle bin. Large appliance boxes should be cut down to 3 ft by 3ft for easier handling by recycling crews.

The City expanded its recycling program to allow more paper products to be recycled. Over 40 percent of the waste stream is composed of paper. Last year, residents recycled 2,800 tons of paper, 293 pounds per household.

For more information about the City’s recycling program, visit or call 703.751.5872.
