City of Alexandria, Virginia
Office of the City Manager
Alexandria City Hall
301 King Street, Suite 3500
Alexandria, Virginia 22314-3211
Telephone: 703.838.4300
Fax : 703.838.6343

Alexandria Celebrates Earth Day

Alexandria will celebrate Earth Day on April 26 with a city-wide event to recognize the importance of the environment. Citizens are invited to join with environmentally aware businesses, nonprofit organizations and government agencies to support a cleaner, greener Alexandria on April 26, from 9 am to 1 pm at Four Mile Run Park, 3700 Commonwealth Ave.

Alexandria Earth Day centers around a community stream clean-up of Four Mile Run, one of the City’s gateway streams. Volunteers clean up the litter along Four Mile Run and learn about water quality by testing various attributes of it.

This year’s Earth Day celebration will feature six family-oriented environmental activities for youth. Parents are encouraged to participate and sign up is on a first come basis on the day of the event. Events include animal exhibits, dip-netting, birdfeeder making, wildflower planting, insect safari, and nature scavenger hunts.

Youth volunteers will also help eliminate the pollutants that are dumped into Four Mile Run by participating in a Storm Drain Marking project. Door hangers that warn against dumping yard waste, paint, antifreeze and other litter in the storm drains will be distributed.

Organizations and businesses will showcase educational exhibits for Alexandria Earth Day. Sponsoring businesses will also lend their financial support, while achieving their marketing and community relations goals.

For more information, call 703.883.4686. To participate, call 703.838.4844.

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