Public Information Office
2003 Mill Road
Alexandria, Virginia 22314

DECEMBER 7, 2004 10:00 A.M.

Alexandria Police Offer Holiday Safety Tips

Winter holidays are busy times for shoppers and for thieves. Taking some simple precautions can help keep people and their property safe this season. Alexandria police offer these tips to prevent robberies, larcenies and identity thefts.


• Be aware of your surroundings at all times, whether shopping in the mall, walking through a parking lot or going to a party.

• Park in well-lighted areas, and don't carry so many packages that you are unable to easily move and view your surroundings.

• As you walk to your car, have your key in your hand, ready to unlock your car door. As you approach your car, look around to see if anyone is lurking about. If you see someone or something suspicious, return to the store and alert their staff.

• When possible, shop in the daytime and with a friend. Try to leave small children at home so they don't add to your holiday shopping distraction.

• Be cautious with your cash. Use ATMs in well-lighted areas or even better, get cash at indoor locations. Don't flash large sums of cash in public–you'll only impress a robber!


• Put all packages in your trunk. Don't leave any valuables in your car in plain view. Always lock your car doors.

• Don't leave your running car unattended while it's warming up in the morning or while you're in a store, even for a quick second.

• Avoid carrying purses or putting your wallet in your back pocket. Carry your wallet in a waist-pack or tucked in an inside jacket pocket.

• If you have packaging or boxes from new electronic equipment, break them down and put them inside a trash can with a lid. Leaving empty boxes in plain view alerts thieves to valuables inside your home.

• Don't leave the curtains open once you've put up a holiday display. A lighted tree with gifts underneath may be too hard for a burglar to resist.


• Check your credit report annually to see if there is any unusual activity that may indicate fraud under your name and social security number. The three credit bureaus are:

Equifax ( 800.685.1111
Experian ( 888.397.3742
Trans Union ( 800.916.8800

• Buy a shredder for your home to destroy unsolicited credit card offers, bills and other sensitive documents.

• Check your bank account balances regularly and review statements thoroughly.

• Take all receipts from clerks and ATMs that might have your account numbers listed.

• Only make online purchases with a credit card through a secure site.

Police also remind motorists not to drink and drive, and to use caution when driving in adverse winter weather.
