For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
April 12, 2006
PIO# 096-06/rdo
Steven J. Mason, Public Information Officer, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

City of Alexandria Selects Helen Schoder McIlvaine
As New Deputy Director for Office of Housing

The City of Alexandria has selected Helen Schoder McIlvaine as its new Deputy Director for the Office of Housing. McIlvaine previously served as Director of Development for the Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing where her responsibilities included the Views of Clarendon, an Arlington County Board-approved project that will create 116 new residential units with 60 percent of them as affordable housing. The structure will also house a rebuilt First Baptist Church of Clarendon. As the new Deputy Director of the Office of Housing, she will focus primarily on affordable housing development and preservation activities in the City.

“I’m very excited to be here with the resources that the City has put in place to preserve and produce affordable housing,” said McIlvaine.

Her other past positions include serving as Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity of Northern Virginia and Catholics for Housing. During her tenure at Habitat for Humanity, the organization rehabilitated two Alexandria properties –one on N. Patrick Street and the other on Princess Street. Prior to entering affordable housing, McIlvaine worked as a practicing attorney.

“People have told us we’re incredibly lucky to get this talented person,” Deputy City Manager Mark Jinks said. “We really think it will be a big asset to the City in moving us forward.”

“I couldn’t be more pleased,” Office of Housing Director Mildrilyn Davis said. “Helen brings exactly the skills we need, now that multifamily housing development is taking on a more central role in our affordable housing efforts.”

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