City of Alexandria, Virginia
Office of the City Manager
Alexandria City Hall
301 King Street, Suite 3500
Alexandria, Virginia 22314-3211
Telephone: 703.838.4300
Fax : 703.838.6343

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 18, 2001

Contacts: Jean Niebauer Office on Human Right s (703) 838-6390

Nancy Jenkins, Chair, Human Rights Commission, (703) 568-3102

Alexandria Human Rights Commission Urges Caution

In Aftermath of Terrorist Attack

Alexandria, VA - In the aftermath of last Tuesday’s horrific and deliberate acts of terrorism, all Americans are reeling in disbelief and sorrow, and are united in a sense of outrage at those who committed these heinous acts. The Alexandria Human Rights Commission wishes to express its deepest sorrow and concern for all the victims, their families and friends.

However, the Commission is deeply alarmed over reports that some Arab-Americans and Muslims have already been targeted and mistreated by their fellow Americans. The Human Rights Commission wishes to express its grave concern that Alexandrians not escalate this tragedy by targeting fellow citizens who practice Islam or are of Arab ethnicity.

Commission Chair, Nancy Jenkins, stated, “We urge citizens not to direct their anger on fellow American citizens simply because of their national or ethnic origin, in this case those of Arab ancestry. While we deplore Tuesday’s acts, we must also protect the human rights of all American citizens and guests. Let us not repeat the mistakes that were perpetrated against Japanese-Americans in the hysteria following the attack at Pearl Harbor.”

Unfortunately, anger and hate have already resulted in at least one hate crime in the City. The Alexandria Police Department is investigating a hate crime against an Islamic bookstore. In addition, there have been reports of Arab-American children afraid to attend school and Muslim women afraid to wear traditional clothing. The Commission strongly condemns acts of hate and assures that the Alexandria Police Department, Human Rights Commission, City Government and indeed the citizens of Alexandria will not tolerate violence against fellow Americans and their guests. Retaliation against any group based on ethnicity, religion, or national origin is a crime. As a people we must condemn hate and protect and defend the rights of every citizen. [All bias-related incidents should notify the Police at (703). 838-.4444 immediately.]

The Commission urges restraint, caution, and citizenship. Now is a time of community. We urge Alexandrians to unite as a community, care for and comfort each other, and in so doing, to preserve the basic beliefs of America: freedom, democracy and human rights.