For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
July 27, 2006
PIO# 187-06/bjh
Brian Hannigan, Director of Communications, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300


Respected City Official Accepts New Challenge in Virginia’s Capital City

Alexandria Director of Code Enforcement Arthur D. Dahlberg has resigned his position to become Commissioner of Buildings in the City of Richmond, City Manager James K. Hartmann announced today.

“Art Dahlberg is an outstanding public servant and leader,” said Hartmann. “Art has set an example for every other City employee by his commitment and effectiveness. He has led the Code Enforcement Bureau through a period of great challenge for the City of Alexandria, and also great accomplishment. During this time, Code Enforcement has fulfilled its responsibilities effectively and efficiently, and – unlike many other jurisdictions – with an absolute minimum of errors and complaints.”

Dahlberg came to Alexandria in 1997 after having served in similar positions in Fairfax County and the City of Fairfax. A structural engineer by training, in Alexandria Dahlberg headed one of only two code enforcement offices in Virginia that combine all building inspection functions within the Fire Department.

“Art Dahlberg has reformed and streamlined Code Enforcement from within at the same time that he has managed an effective outreach process to educate and inform the community to use the permitting process with a minimum of confusion and delay,” said Fire Chief Gary A. Mesaris. “We will miss him.”

“I am proud of my service to the people of Alexandria and of the talented and hard-working staff who have worked with me to make this office the best code enforcement bureau in the Commonwealth of Virginia,” said Dahlberg.

Deputy Director of Code Enforcement Jannine Pennell will serve as Interim Bureau Director during the search for Dahlberg’s successor.

As Commissioner of Buildings, Dahlberg will head the City of Richmond’s Bureau of Permits and Inspections and the offices of zoning, property maintenance, permits and site plan review, and new construction permitting and inspection. He will head a staff of 85 employees with an annual budget of $ 5.5 million.

Dahlberg is the second senior Alexandria manager to announce his departure in as many weeks. On July 14, Director of Planning and Zoning Eileen P. Fogarty announced her resignation to become Director of Planning and Community Development in Santa Monica, California.

“Other local governments look to Alexandria to fill their top positions because they know our reputation for excellence, innovation and cost-effectiveness,” said City Manager Hartmann. “At the same time, talented professionals are drawn to Alexandria from throughout the region and nation because they want to be part of our team.”

“Recruitment for both positions will begin immediately,” said Hartmann. “We look forward to reviewing applications from what we expect will be a highly qualified group of internal and outside candidates.”

Alexandria, Virginia is a vibrant, diverse and historic community located on the Potomac River at the core of the greater Washington, D.C. region. Through its planning process, the City seeks to preserve its history and culture, create transit-oriented development, strengthen its several distinct “main streets,” preserve and enhance neighborhoods, and create livable places with housing choices for all residents.