For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
March 23, 2006
PIO# 034-06/sjm
Steven J. Mason, Public Information Officer, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

City of Alexandria and Alexandria Gang Prevention Community Task Force
Cosponsor Gang Awareness Summit
Community Members, Students, Educators, and Others Invited to Attend

The City of Alexandria and the Alexandria Gang Prevention Community Task Force will cosponsor the Gang Awareness Summit: Seeking Solutions for Alexandria from 8:30 am to 1 pm on Saturday, March 25. The free event will take place at the George Washington Middle School, 1005 Mount Vernon Ave. Community members, students, professionals, educators, and others in the community are invited to attend to discuss gang intervention and prevention.

The Alexandria Gang Prevention Community Task Force, which was established by the Alexandria City Council in December 2004 and is co-chaired by Councilmen Ludwig Gaines and Rob Krupicka, includes representatives from the Alexandria Public School System, private schools, the Alexandria Tenants’ and Workers’ Support Committee, the Alexandria branch of the NAACP, the Alexandria Youth Council, the Alexandria Interfaith Council, the Hispanic business community, two citizens at large, the Alexandria Police Department, the Court Services Unit, the Commonwealth’s Attorney Office, and the City Manager’s Office.

The task force receives information on the status of gang suppression, and prevention and intervention programs and activities in the City and the metropolitan region. It works with the community and other local governments to better address problems and issues arising from or related to gangs.

Free transportation to the Gang Awareness Summit will be provided from various locations in the City with return transportation provided at the summit’s conclusion. Free parking and daycare are available for attendees. A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided, and door prizes will be given at lunch.

For more information on the Gang Awareness Summit or to register for the event, call Michael Mackey, the City’s Gang Prevention and Intervention Coordinator, at 703.838.4180, extension 239; or e-mail
