For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
August 18, 2006
PIO# 194-06/rdo
Brian Hannigan, Director of Communications, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300


Alexandria residents and visitors will soon notice a new pavement marking designed to encourage motorists and bicyclists to share the road.

The City of Alexandria is conducting a pilot project in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration to test Shared Roadway Bicycle Markings – also known as “sharrows.” The markings are being installed on Pendleton Street, Union Street and Mount Vernon Avenue following recent resurfacing.

The “sharrow” – which is composed of the international symbol of a bicyclist below two chevrons – is a relatively new pavement marking that has been implemented in several western cities, including San Francisco, Denver and Portland, Oregon. A comprehensive study in San Francisco found that the sharrow design was clearly understood by motorists and bicyclists surveyed as representing a shared-use lane, and encouraged motorists to slow down. The markings are generally installed on streets that are part of the city’s bikeway network or in areas of high bicycle traffic.

“The City of Alexandria is committed to providing a safer and more hospitable environment for bicyclists and other forms of environmentally friendly transportation,” said Mayor William D. Euille. “We believe innovative programs such as sharrow markings will encourage more non-motorized trips and reduce reliance on single-occupant vehicles. We are working hard to make the bicycle a legitimate choice as Alexandria residents and visitors consider their transportation options.”

“The sharrow markings are an important reminder that Alexandria streets are used by several different modes of travel, including bicyclists,” said Richard Baier, Director of the Department of Transportation & Environmental Services. “We hope that sharrows will help us to provide more safe and convenient travel routes for bicyclists in the City.”

A sharrow is designed to encourage all roadway users to share the road by showing the recommended position for bicyclists in the lane. Placed approximately three feet into the travel lane from a parking lane, or approximately 11 feet from the curb, the symbol indicates where bicyclists should ride to avoid being hit by suddenly opening car doors. An added benefit is that its helps reduce sign clutter.

Sharrows are used in lanes shared by bicyclists and motorists where there is not sufficient width for a bicycle lane. In contrast, bicycle lanes set aside a pavement area for bicyclists and are marked by a solid white line and different symbol.

The Alexandria City Council has approved two related initiatives this year. “Spin City 2009" is a concentrated effort to gain League of American Bicyclists recognition as a bicycle-friendly community by 2009. The Community Pathways program is a coordinated series of policy changes and initiatives that will strengthen Alexandria's non-auto, community-based transportation infrastructure.

For more information on the sharrow markings pilot project, call Alexandria Pedestrian and Bicycle Coordinator Yon Lambert at 703-838-4966, extension 183; or visit

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