City of Alexandria, Virginia
Office of the City Manager
Alexandria City Hall
301 King Street, Suite 3500
Alexandria, Virginia 22314-3211
Telephone: 703.838.4300
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February 10, 2005
PIO 043-05/rdo

Mike Stuart, Alexandria Economic Development Partnership, Inc.
Barbara Lord, Alexandria Chamber of Commerce
703.549.1000 extension 210
Kendel Taylor, City of Alexandria
703.838.4806 extension 382

Firms Named as Finalists
For Alexandria Technology Achievement Award

Alexandria Mayor William D. Euille and Technology Achievement Award Committee Chairman R. Mark McLindon announced the names of the four Alexandria businesses selected as finalists for the 9th Annual Alexandria Technology Achievement Award.

The 2005 Technology Award finalists are Forum One Communications; Gray Hawk Systems, Inc.; Inova Alexandria Hospital - Medical Surgical Intensive Care Unit - 1; and the Sentel Corporation. The finalists were selected by a panel of three judges representing the community.

The winner of the Technology Achievement Award will be announced during Technology Achievement Week in Alexandria, March 7 through 11. The award will be presented at a luncheon at noon on Friday, March 11, at the Radisson Hotel Old Town Alexandria. The luncheon honoring the award winner and the finalists will highlight Alexandria Technology Achievement Week, showcasing advancements in the development and application of technology by Alexandria-based businesses.

The judges evaluated each nomination on the basis of technological achievement and its impact on the business, its industry, and the City of Alexandria. The judging panel consisted of Brian Hunt, a member of the City’s Commission on Information Technology; Brad Gardner of the Defense Group, Inc., the winner of the 2004 Alexandria Technology Achievement Award; and former City Manager Philip Sunderland.

Alexandria Technology Achievement Week and the Alexandria Technology Achievement Award are sponsored by the City of Alexandria, the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce, and the Alexandria Economic Development Partnership, Inc. The award originated in 1997 with the Ad Hoc Task Force on Information and Communication Technologies, which was succeeded by the Commission on Information Technology. The Commission is comprised of members of the Alexandria City School Board, the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce, the Library Board, City telecommunications providers, residents and Vice Mayor Del Pepper and Councilman Rob Krupicka. Alexandria is at the center of Northern Virginia’s fast growing technology industry. There are nearly 350 technology firms that employ more than 12,750 workers in the City.

The events of the 2005 Alexandria Technology Achievement Week include:

Tuesday, March 8, at 6:15 pm City Council will host a reception honoring the finalists in the Vola Lawson Lobby at City Hall, 301 King St., first floor.

Thursday, March 10, at 8 am the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce will host a breakfast at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center, 5000 Seminary Rd. The Chief Executive Officer of each finalist company will speak briefly about their technological achievements.

Friday, March 11, at noon the Alexandria Technology Achievement Award luncheon will be held at the Radisson Hotel Old Town Alexandria, 901 N. Fairfax St., and the winner will be announced. In addition to the award presentation, a video produced by T. C. Williams High School students will be shown, highlighting the technological achievements of the honored firms and the advantages offered by Alexandria as a location for technology companies.

For more information, call Mike Stuart, Alexandria Economic Development Partnership, Inc., at 703.739.3820; Barbara Lord of the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce at 703.549.1000 extension 210; or Kendel Taylor, City of Alexandria, at 703.838.4806 extension 382.

Finalist Firms

Forum One Communications
Kurt Voelker, Managing Director
Press Contact: Kurt Voelker, 703. 548.1855 extension 33

Developed a web-based collaboration tool, Project Spaces, to enable groups of people to collaborate and communicate across geographical and organizational boundaries. Project Spaces provides a password-protected, database-driven virtual workspace to share information, assign and manage tasks and work on the same project from anywhere at any time.
Gray Hawk Systems, Inc.
Harry M. Howton, Chief Executive Officer
Press Contact: Angie Bowler, 703. 575.2101

Provides systems engineering, risk assessment and data visualization technical support services to the FBI’s Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force (FTTTF). Gray Hawk leads the development and
integration of a data exploitation, visualization and dissemination tool set, and provides the system support for training, demonstrations and “over the shoulder” customer support as needed.

Inova Alexandria Hospital - Medical Surgical Intensive Care
Ken Kozloff, Administrator
Press Contact: Kathleen Barry, 703. 504.7437

Implemented VISICU, Inc.’s eCareManager critical care system. Components of the system include a remote monitoring system with access to vital signs for patient monitoring; centralized clinical result reporting, medication ordering and documentation; and direct patient observation and conferencing capability from each patient’s room. All users have access to an online information source of current clinical data.

Sentel Corporation
James F. Garrett, President
Press Contact: Dave Christovich, 703.739.6403

Developed, in conjunction with the Space and Warfare Systems Command, the Comb Limiter Combiner - Comb Linear Amplifier Combiner (CLIC CLAC), which enables one or more transmitters to be connected to a single transmitter, while minimizing the threat of interference or jamming. The technology allows more SINCGARS (Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio Systems) frequency-hopping radios to be used in a particular location, such as a ship or a battlefield, with less interception and interference.

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