For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
August 9, 2007
PIO# 195-07/sjm
Steve Mason, Director of Communications, at 703.838.4300

City of Alexandria’s Draft Transportation Master Plan Update Released

The City of Alexandria’s Ad Hoc Transportation Task Force has released a draft of the transportation master plan update and wants to receive comments and feedback on the draft document. The draft plan is available for review on the City’s website at:

Comments on the draft plan can be e-mailed to the task force at:, or mailed to:

Transportation Task Force
c/o Transportation and Environmental Services
City of Alexandria
301 King Street, Room 4100
Alexandria, Virginia 22314

This fall, the task force will hold a series of public meetings to receive additional feedback from the community. Additional information about the dates and locations of the public meetings is forthcoming.

For more information regarding the Ad Hoc Transportation Task Force and the transportation master plan update, contact Tom Culpepper, Deputy Director, Transportation and Environmental Services, at 703-838-4966.