City of Alexandria, Virginia
Office of the City Manager
Alexandria City Hall
301 King Street, Suite 3500
Alexandria, Virginia 22314-3211
Telephone: 703.838.4300
Fax : 703.838.6343

City Honored with "America Recycles Day" Award

The City of Alexandria was recently selected as an award winner for sponsoring the best “America Recycles Day” program in 2001. Waste Management/America, sponsor of this first annual award, will present the award to Mayor Kerry J. Donley and members of City Council at the City’s Earth Day celebration at 9 am on Saturday, April 27, at Four Mile Run Park. Alexandria is one of three jurisdictions in the Eastern Region to be recognized, and one of only nine awards presented nationally. The cash award is to be used to help promote recycling, waste reduction, and buying recycled to Alexandria’s residents..

The City of Alexandria was selected as an “America Recycles Day” award winner based on the creativity of the its “America Recycles” Day events, the media coverage generated by the event, and the number of residents, local officials, and youth involved in the events.

Last November, the City celebrated “America Recycles Day” with a variety of activities. It sponsored a “Recycle Right” contest to reward outstanding participants in the residential recycling program. Award recipients were recognized by Mayor Donley and received awards at a City Council meeting. The City hosted an “America Recycles Day” celebration at Market Square, with Mayor Donley and Robbie the Recycling Squirrel greeting visitors and distributing information about the City’s recycling program. The City also educated more than 1,500 local youth during the month of November about the City’s recycling program and “America Recycles Day.”

“America Recycles Day” was initiated in 1997, and is celebrated annually on Nov. 15 to promote the need to reduce, reuse and recycle wherever possible. More than 3 million people nationwide annually fill out an America Recycles Day pledge card, affirming their commitment to recycle. This first annual “America Recycles Day” award was created as an incentive to organizations and municipalities to promote “America Recycles Day” in their community.

For more information on America Recycles Day, visit the Web site,

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