For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
June 2, 2006
PIO# 142-06/rdo
Brian Hannigan, Director of Communications, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Alexandria City Council Hosts Work Session
On Affordable and Workforce Housing

The Alexandria City Council will host a work session on affordable and workforce housing at 6 pm on Wednesday, June 7. The work session will take place in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 301 King St., second floor. During the meeting, speakers will discuss affordable and workforce housing challenges and current City policies, funding resources, and practices, as well as other affordable and workforce housing tools and policies. Persons who are interested or involved in affordable and workforce housing are invited to attend.

“Many individuals who are employed in our local workforce by the private or public sectors cannot afford to live in our community,” said Alexandria Mayor William D. Euille. “The City Council work session will address the challenges these individuals face and seek to identify ways that will allow them to rent or purchase a home.”

The agenda of speakers for the work session includes:

C Alexandria Mayor William D. Euille

C Dr. Stephen Fuller, Director of the Center for Regional Analysis
at George Mason University
C Mildrilyn Davis, Director of the Alexandria Office of Housing

C Eileen Fogarty, Director of the Alexandria Department of Planning and Zoning

C Barbara Favola, Member of the Arlington County Board and
the Washington Area Housing Partnership

C Ken Aughenbaugh, Director of Arlington County’s Housing Division

C Helen McIlvaine, Deputy Director of the Alexandria Office of Housing

C Michael Scheurer, Northern Virginia Community Outreach Officer
for the Virginia Housing Development Authority

C Pamela Jones, Executive Director of the New Columbia Community Land Trust

“The work session will provide an opportunity to review the ways we currently make affordable housing available, and explore additional approaches that have worked in other jurisdictions,” said Mildrilyn Davis, Director of the City’s Office of Housing. “It will also provide a forum for Council to hear from various stakeholders about their affordable housing priorities and concerns.”

Workforce housing involves providing affordable housing to individuals who hold workforce jobs and usually serve in essential frontline positions within a community. These positions include civil servants, police officers, fire fighters, teachers, retail sales clerks, and health care professionals.

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