For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
August 3, 2007
Steve Mason, Director of Communications, at 703.838.4300

City Residents Reminded to Eliminate Standing Water
And Protect Themselves Against Mosquito Bites

Mosquito collections in the 4200 block of Eisenhower Avenue in Alexandria have tested positive for the West Nile Virus (WNV), marking the first reported activity of the virus in the City for the 2007 season.

The mosquitoes were collected by the Vector-borne Illness Prevention Program on July 25th, 2007, and confirmed positive for West Nile Virus by the state’s Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services.

“West Nile Virus is a mosquito-borne disease that is endemic in this region. There are ways of preventing the spread of diseases like West Nile virus. Residents can play an important role in this effort by getting rid of mosquito-breeding areas around their homes. We urge City residents to be proactive in their efforts to eliminate mosquito breeding habitats,” said Alexandria Health Director, Dr. Charles Konigsberg, Jr.

No human cases of West Nile Virus disease have been reported in the City of Alexandria this year.

The Alexandria Health Department recommends the following tips to eliminate mosquito-breeding areas in your neighborhood and to reduce exposure to adult mosquitoes:

Eliminate Mosquito Breeding on Your Property:

· Empty birdbaths and other water-holding containers, such as
trays under flowerpots, at least once a week.
· Properly dispose of used tires.
· Clean roof gutters and downspouts. Check corrugated black drainpipes
for any water collection.
· Turn over wading pools, wheelbarrows, canoes, pails, trash can lids,
children’s toys, and any other objects that can hold water,
including items stored under decks and porches.
· Repair dripping outdoor water faucets.
· Drain water from tarps and grill covers.

Avoid Mosquito Bites:

· Avoid outdoors activities at dawn and dusk in mosquito-infested
areas like marshes and wetlands.
· Use insect repellants, such as DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide),
Picardin (KBR 3023), or Oil of Lemon eucalyptus
(p-methane 3,8-diol-PMD), as per label directions.
· Wear loose, long and light-colored clothing when outdoors.
· Check window and door screens for holes and repair, if necessary,
with a fine-mesh screen.

For more information WNV, please visit the following websites.

· Virginia Department of Health:
· Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

For additional questions or concerns regarding mosquitoes or mosquito-borne illness, please call the Alexandria Health Department, Vector-borne Illness Prevention Program. Contact Patricia Ferrao, at (703) 838-4400 ext. 327, or Holly Feltner, at ext. 326.
