For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
September 14, 2006
PIO# 207-06/jbh
Brian Hannigan, Director of Communications, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300


Alexandria City Manager James K. Hartmann today announced the appointment of Deputy Chief David P. Baker as the City’s new Police Chief.

Speaking at a City Hall news conference, City Manager Hartmann said “Chief Baker has the background, the experience and a wide range of abilities that will enable him to be an outstanding Police Chief for the City of Alexandria in the 21st Century.”

Chief Baker has been a police officer for 36 years, including almost 16 years as Deputy Chief of the Alexandria Police. As Senior Deputy Chief and second in command, Chief Baker has served as chief administrative officer for the department. He has also been directly responsible for the development, implementation and growth of public safety technologies and the management of the automated crime analysis system.

Chief Baker’s appointment is effective immediately. He succeeds former Chief Charles Samarra, who retired August 1. Chief Samarra served as chief for 16 years and recruited David Baker, then a Captain in the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C., to follow him to Alexandria after he was hired in 1991.

“I am very pleased with the selection of David Baker as Chief,” said Alexandria Mayor William D. Euille. “His service over the past 16 years has helped to make our City a safer and better place, and I look forward to working with him to continue the department’s outstanding record of protection and service to our community.”

David Baker began his career in Washington as a Patrol Officer and rose through the ranks over almost 20 years, to the position of Captain and Commander in the Field Operations Bureau.

“I am very happy to have this opportunity to lead the enlightened, energetic and innovative Alexandria Police Department,” said Chief Baker. “This is a department that is known for its proactive and successful crime reduction strategies; innovative technology; commitment to community policing and the safety of our citizens; and the quality staff, both sworn and civilian, who are committed to public service, performance, innovation and results.”

“Police departments across the country continue to face enormous challenges, whether it be controlling and reducing crime, improving the quality of life in neighborhoods, the ever present uncertainty of terrorism, drugs, youth violence, the presence and availability of guns, or identifying and eliminating any number of economic and social issues that affect crime rates in any community,” continued Chief Baker. “We recognize and accept those challenges, and my focus will be to improve and enhance our analytical and strategic capabilities so that our policing strategies, problem solving capabilities, and deployment decisions are fact based, unified, consistent, and capable of responding aggressively and effectively to new or existing crime and quality of life issues.”

City Manager Hartmann and Chief Baker both thanked Deputy Chief Earl Cook and Deputy Chief Blaine Corle, the two other finalists for the Chief position, for their own outstanding service to the Police Department. Both are expected to remain in senior leadership positions.

“Alexandria is a wonderful place to live, to visit and to do business – one of the most popular locations in the National Capital Area, and indeed, the entire nation,” said City Manager Hartmann. “I am confident that under Dave Baker’s leadership, Alexandria’s Police Department will continue to excel and that the people who live and work and visit here will continue to be safe and secure in the 21st Century.”


Additional information about the City of Alexandria, including the Police Department’s Annual Report, are available on the City’s website at