For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
March 20, 2006
PIO# 073-06/sjm
Steven J. Mason, Public Information Officer, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

City of Alexandria to Host Press Conference for
Street Smart - Pedestrian Safety Campaign

The City of Alexandria will host the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board’s (“TPB”) press conference for the Street Smart - Pedestrian Safety Campaign on Tuesday, March 21, at 10:30 am, at the Carlyle Street pedestrian tunnel entrance/exit to the King Street Metro Station.

The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments’(“COG”) Street Smart outreach and enforcement campaign, which is designed to reduce pedestrian deaths and injuries throughout the Washington metropolitan area, focuses on the “three E’s” of pedestrian safety: education, enforcement, and engineering. These components of the campaign target pedestrians, cyclists and drivers to enhance their awareness of devices such as the use of crosswalks, pedestrian warning signs and signals, law enforcement initiatives, the use of improved sight lines, signals and street markings, and other technology.

Scheduled to speak at the event about their respective jurisdictions’ efforts toward increasing public awareness and safety are: Alexandria Mayor William D. Euille, Alexandria Councilman and TPB representative Ludwig Gaines, Washington D.C. Chief of Police Charles Ramsey, Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Chairman Gerry Connolly, Arlington County Board Chairman Chris Zimmerman and a member of the Montgomery County Council.

Immediately following the press conference there will be a crosswalk enforcement demonstration by the Alexandria Police Department. There will also be a demonstration on the proper locking of a bicycle.

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