For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
July 2, 2007
PIO# 172-07/sjm
Steve Mason, Director of Communications, at 703.838.4300

Potomac Yard Construction Forces Changes
On Two Alexandria Trails
Roadway construction along Rte. 1 will force 90-day trail closure, eventual relocation;
At Four Mile Run Park water main work will require trail relocation

The construction at Potomac Yard is forcing changes this summer on two well-used Alexandria pedestrian and bicycle paths.

The existing shared-use path adjacent to Rte. 1 (Jefferson Davis Highway) from Windsor Avenue to East Glebe Road will be closed for 90 days beginning on or around July 9 and relocated thereafter. The closure will allow roadway grading and storm drain installation. The path is the only pedestrian and bicycle facility along the east side of Rte. 1.

To compensate for the closure, Potomac Yard construction crews will post trail detour signs, provide pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements to the crossing of Rte. 1 at East Custis Avenue, and provide shuttle service for persons with mobility impairments. Contact information for the shuttle service will be posted on signs at the site, at detour locations and on-line at and

During the 90-day closure, construction crews will also construct and re-locate a temporary trail slightly closer to Rte. 1. The temporary trail – which will run from East Custis Avenue to East Glebe Road – will open on or prior to October 9, 2007.

At Four Mile Run Park, the trail that runs east from the north end of Commonwealth Avenue toward Rte. 1 will be relocated for approximately one month beginning July 23 to allow for construction of a water main. This trail in Four Mile Run Park provides a major pedestrian and bicycle connection from bicycle lanes on Commonwealth Avenue to Four Mile Run and further east to the Mount Vernon Trail. Construction crews will begin installing a temporary trail in early July and plan to divert pedestrian and bicycle traffic on or about July 23. The existing trail will be rebuilt and restored to its current alignment by the end of August. Pedestrian and bicycle access from Commonwealth Avenue to Rte. 1 and the bridge leading to the north side of Four Mile Run will be maintained at all times.

For a map of the affected trails, visit and click News & Notices. For more information, call Yon Lambert, Alexandria Pedestrian and Bicycle Program Coordinator, at (703) 519-3400 x. 183.