Public Information Office
2003 Mill Road
Alexandria, Virginia 22314

MARCH 19, 2007

Alexandria Police Encourage Pedestrian Safety

Following the deaths of two pedestrians in the past month, Alexandria police are reminding area residents of the importance of pedestrian safety. Activities this week will encourage public awareness and participation in improving pedestrian safety.

Alexandria officials will be participating in the annual Street Smart regional campaign that begins with a press conference on Tuesday, March 20 at 10:30 a.m. at Thomas Circle at 14th Street NW and Massachusetts Avenue in Washington, D.C.

Also beginning on Tuesday afternoon, Alexandria police will increase their presence in the West End by handing out safety information to pedestrians along South Van Dorn Street and Duke Street. Police are reminding pedestrians of these safety tips:

· Use crosswalks
· Look left, right and left again before crossing
· Use pedestrian pushbuttons whenever possible
· Avoid wearing headphones and talking on cell phones
· Make eye contact with approaching drivers

In addition, message boards will be set up tomorrow and Wednesday on South Van Dorn Street and Duke Street to flash safety tips to passing motorists.

Then on Thursday, March 22, the City of Alexandria is holding a community meeting to discuss its Pedestrian and Bicycle Mobility Plan. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in Room 1101 at City Hall (301 King Street, Alexandria). The plan, still under development, will become the City’s blueprint for infrastructure improvements and once implemented, the plan will result in safer conditions and make walking and bicycling more attractive transportation choices in Alexandria. Public surveys in English and in Spanish, as well as more information about the plan, are available on the City’s website at

In the past two years, five pedestrians have been killed in Alexandria including Jessica Aromin, a 69-year-old woman who died after she was hit on March 9 in the 100 block of South Van Dorn Street, and German Gonzalez, a 29-year-old man who was fatally injured on February 28 in the 5700 block of Edsall Road. All five pedestrian fatalities occurred in the West End. None of the victims was in a crosswalk.

Media inquiries regarding Alexandria’s community meeting and Pedestrian and Bicycle Mobility Plan can be directed to Yon Lambert in Transportation and Environmental Services at 703.838.4966. For media requests regarding Alexandria police activities, please contact the Public Information Office at 703.838.4636.
