City of Alexandria, Virginia
Office of the City Manager
Alexandria City Hall
301 King Street, Suite 3500
Alexandria, Virginia 22314-3211
Telephone: 703.838.4300
Fax : 703.838.6343

Feb. 4, 2004
PIO 027-04
For Immediate Release

City Council Makes Recommendations for Visitors Center

The Alexandria City Council adopted a resolution last night (Feb. 3) outlining the next steps for the future of the Visitors Center.

The Council voted that:

• the only two visitors center options which will be considered further will be a Ramsay House (221 King St.) alternative with a reprogrammed and renovated interior, and 132 North Royal St. alternative. The building at 132 North Royal is currently under City lease.

• no further consideration will be given to constructing a new visitors center on Market Square or constructing a major addition to Ramsay House.

• tourism-related initiatives will be pursued, including a City-wide comprehensive signing and wayfinding program, increased marketing, kiosks, tour bus management a new King Street Metrorail station visitor information area.

Several work groups comprised of citizen and business interests will be established to work with City and Alexandria Convention and Visitors Association (ACVA) staff to analyze, review and develop recommendations regarding the two remaining visitor center options, as well as the other tourism related initiatives.

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