For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
June 23, 2005
PIO# 213-05/rdo
Barbara J. Gordon, Public Information Officer, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Alexandria Observes National HIV Testing Day and Encourages HIV Testing

The Alexandria Health Department (AHD) will observe National HIV Testing Day, and establish additional testing locations and expanded hours to recognize the day on Monday, June 27. The observance is part of a joint effort between the AHD and the Alexandria Gay and Lesbian Community Association to bring about greater local awareness of HIV Testing Day.

According to AHD Director Charles Konigsberg, Jr., MD, MPH, “This day is important as we recognize that in 2004 there were 16,666 persons living with HIV in Virginia. Also, statistics indicate that the majority of new infections are believed to be transmitted by people who have not yet been tested.”

Nationally, at least half of the people becoming infected with HIV each year are under the age of 25. Youth at risk for HIV come from various ethnicities, genders, and sexual orientations. African American teens, ages 13-19, accounted for 65 percent of the new AIDS cases reported among teens in 2002, even though they only make up 15 percent of teenagers.

Dr. Konigsberg encourages persons who have not been tested, but who may be at risk, to attend one of the many testing locations in Alexandria or across the Northern Virginia region. “It only takes a few moments, and the results are now available on site in just 20 minutes. This information can be crucial in helping prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS,” said Dr. Konigsberg.

Free, confidential HIV testing will be conducted in the City on Monday, June 27, at the following times and locations: the Alexandria Health Department, 4480 King St., 9 am - 4 pm; Casey Health Center, 1200 N. Howard St., 9 am - 4 pm; William Ramsay Recreation Center, 5650 Sanger Ave., 6 pm - 8 pm; Cora Kelly Recreation Center, 25 W. Reed Ave., 6 pm - 8 pm; and Charles Houston Recreation Center, 905 Wythe St., 6 pm - 8 pm.

For more information on HIV testing and prevention, call the Alexandria Health Department at 703.838.4400, or visit the Centers for Disease Control’s web site at or the Kaiser Family Foundation’s web site at
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