For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
January 10, 2006
PIO# 007-06/rdo
Steven J. Mason, Public Information Officer, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For Media Inquiries, Contact:
January 9, 2006 Steven J. Mason, Public Information Officer, or
PIO 007-06/rdo Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

City of Alexandria and Agenda: Alexandria Hold
Series of Community Pre-Budget Briefings

The City of Alexandria and Agenda: Alexandria will co-host a series of three pre-budget briefings for the community prior to submission of the City Manager’s proposed budget to City Council on Tuesday, Feb. 14.

The briefings will feature presentations by the City Manager’s Office and Office of Management and Budget of background information on trends in City spending and revenues, the outlook for the upcoming fiscal year 2007 budget, and the new City budget process featuring expenditure targets established last November by City Council for City and School spending. A question and answer period will follow and will be moderated by Agenda: Alexandria officials.

The presentations by City staff will be repeated at each briefing. Interested persons are urged to attend whichever date and location is most convenient for them.

The meetings will be held at the following locations:

• Thursday, Jan. 26, from 7 pm to 8:30 pm at Beatley Library, 5005 Duke St.
• Wednesday, Feb. 1, from 7:30 pm to 9 pm at The Lyceum, 201 S. Washington St.
• Wednesday, Feb. 8, from 7:30 pm to 9 pm at Charles Barrett Elementary, 1115 Martha Custis Drive, in the Multi-Purpose Room

The primary purpose of the briefings is to enable residents of Alexandria to better understand the budget challenges and issues facing the City. The briefings also provide an opportunity for City staff to listen to the suggestions and concerns of residents concerning the balancing of the needs of the community for City services with the ability of the community to pay for those City services.

After Feb. 14, the City Council will hold a series of work sessions and public hearings on the budget. On April 24, the City Council will pass a budget for fiscal year 2007, which begins on July 1.

For more information on these community pre-budget briefings, visit or call Bruce Johnson, Director of the City’s Office of Management and Budget, at 703.838.4780 or e-mail
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