For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
August 11, 2005
PIO# 258-05/sjm
Steven J. Mason, Public Information Officer, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

City of Alexandria Selected to Participate in
National League of Cities' Afterschool Technical Assistance Project

The City of Alexandria has been selected to participate in the City Leaders Engaged in Afterschool Reform (CLEAR) technical assistance project sponsored by the National League of Cities Institute for Youth, Education and Families (YEF). The competition for selection as a CLEAR technical
assistance site was intense, nearly 50 cities applied and only 12 were chosen.

Alexandria will participate in the third round of technical assistance on afterschool programming provided by the YEF Institute. The City will benefit from the experience of the YEF staff and as well as mentoring and guidance from the 14 cities that participated in previous years as it moves forward in developing a city-wide plan for quality, accessible afterschool care for all children who need it.

Alexandria Mayor William D. Euille lent his full support to the application, which is not for new funding, but rather for technical assistance from the National League of Cities. The Mayor said, "The staff to the City Manager's Before and Afterschool Work Group will be coming to City Council this fall with a plan that needs the participation and backing of the community. The League of Cities staff will work with Alexandria City and School staff to produce a quality program for all children across the City." The City of Alexandria is also a member of the National League of Cities.

Debra Collins, Director of Human Services, is the Chair of the City Manager's Before and Afterschool Work Group. "This grant will assist us in the final stages of planning and in implementation of a quality before and afterschool experience for those Alexandria parents and children who want and need it," said Collins.

For further information, contact Carol Farrell, Director of the Department of Human Services' Office of Early Childhood Development, at 703.838.0785.
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