City of Alexandria, Virginia
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Alexandria, Virginia 22314-3211
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Three Firms Named as Finalists
for Alexandria Technology Achievement Award

Alexandria’s Mayor Kerry J. Donley and Technology Achievement Award Committee Chairman R. Mark McLindon today announced the three Alexandria businesses selected as finalists for the 7th Annual Alexandria Technology Achievement Award.

The 2003 Technology Award finalists are: BriarTek, Inc., Relatable, LLC, and The Templar Corp. The finalists were selected by a panel of three judges representing the technology community.

The winner of the Technology Achievement Award will be announced during Technology Achievement Week in Alexandria, March 17-21. The award will be presented at a luncheon at Noon on Friday, March 21, at the Hilton Mark Center. The luncheon honoring the award winner and the finalists will highlight Alexandria Technology Achievement Week, showcasing advancements in the development and application of technology by Alexandria-based businesses.

The judges evaluated each nomination on the basis of technological achievement and its impact on the business, its industry, and/or the City of Alexandria. The judging panel consisted of Charles Collum of Burke and Herbert Bank and Trust Company; David Lantzy, a member of the City’s Commission on Information Technology; and Grant Geyer, representing Riptech, Inc., the winner of the 2002 Alexandria Technology Achievement Award, which was recently acquired by Symantec Corporation.

Alexandria Technology Achievement Week and the Alexandria Technology Achievement Award are sponsored cooperatively by the City of Alexandria, the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce, and the Alexandria Economic Development Partnership, Inc. The award originated in 1997 with the Ad Hoc Task Force on Information and Communication Technologies, which was succeeded by the Commission on Information Technology. The Commission is comprised of members of the Alexandria City School Board, the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce, the Library Board, City telecommunications providers, citizens and City Council members Del Pepper and Joyce Woodson. Alexandria is at the center of Northern Virginia’s fast growing technology industry. Currently, nearly 400 technology firms employ more than 12,000 workers in the City of Alexandria.

The events of the 2003 Alexandria Technology Achievement Week include:

C Tuesday, March 11, 7:30 p.m., the City Council will honor the finalists with an official proclamation. A reception for the finalists will be held at 6:45 p.m. in the Vola Lawson Lobby in City Hall, 301 King Street.

C Thursday morning, March 20, 8:00 a.m., the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce will host a breakfast at the Alexandria Hilton at Mark Center. The Chief Executive Officer of each finalist company will speak briefly about their technological achievements.

C Friday, March 21, at Noon, the Alexandria Technology Achievement Award luncheon will be held at the Alexandria Hilton at Mark Center, and the winner will be announced. In addition to the award presentation, a video produced by
T. C. Williams High School students will be shown, highlighting the technological achievements of the honored firms and the advantages offered by Alexandria as a location for technology companies.

Finalist Firms

BriarTek, Inc.
Joseph S. Landa, Corporate Officer
Press Contact: Joseph Landa (703) 548-7892, x202

BriarTek developed and patented a maritime survivor locating beacon used as a man-overboard alarm, receiver and direction finder known as the Overboard Recovery Communications Apparatus (ORCA). The ORCA system consists of a beacon worn by sailors while at sea, a receiver that alerts crew members and rescue authorities in the event of an emergency and a directional finder that helps locate the individual in need of assistance. The technology is currently being used by the Sandy Hook Harbor Pilots and the United States Navy and is also being applied to industrial safety alarms, firefighter locating beacons and wildlife tracking tags.

Relatable, LLC Pat Breslin, Chief Executive Officer
Press Contact: Pat Breslin, (703) 212-4800

Relatable is recognized as a leading provider of acoustic fingerprinting technology for tracking the deliver of msuic and media through new digital and traditional channels of distribution. Relatable solutions identify sound recordings based on the acoustical properties in the waveform to properly identify audio content. Relatable’s TRM acoustic fingerprint technology identifies and tracks music for copyright compensation and royalty allocation, as well as for music recommendation. Consumer electronic manufacturer Digital Innovations recently selected this software to identify music through their new “Neuros” MP3 digital audio computer.

The Templar Corporation Glenn L. Archer, III, President and Chief Executive Officer
Press Contact: Jennifer A. McQuilken (703) 548-0020

The Templar Corporation offers advanced and secure information management solutions that allow law enforcement, criminal justice and emergency management organizations to easily and rapidly share critical information and improve the government’s ability to proactively deter and effectively respond to threats to public safety and security. Templar focuses on providing information sharing software solutions to government, specifically the law enforcement, criminal justice and public safety communities, which results in improvements in investigating and solving crimes, setting appropriate sentences in court, and supporting counter-drug and counter-terrorism intelligence programs.

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