For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
January 18, 2007
PIO# 014-07/jbh
Brian Hannigan, Director of Communications, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300


DMAI is World’s Largest Association of Destination Marketing Organizations

The Alexandria Convention & Visitors Association (ACVA) has been awarded accreditation from the Destination Marketing Accreditation Program (DMAP) administered by the Destination Marketing Association International (DMAI). DMAI is the world’s largest association of destination marketing organizations, with over 1300 members from 600+ Destination Marketing Organizations in more than 25 countries.

In earning the accreditation, the ACVA demonstrates the travel industry’s highest measure of excellence in serving the traveling public, the meetings and group travel industries, and the Alexandria community. The ACVA was one of six Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) worldwide invited to pursue accreditation through the initial beta program of the Destination Marketing Accreditation Program (DMAP), which has been newly adopted by DMAI.

“We were honored to have been selected to participate in DMAI’s new accreditation program and extremely proud to achieve this distinction by our industry’s most respected organization,” said Jo Anne Mitchell, President & CEO of the ACVA. “The process of accreditation provided us with the opportunity to take a close look at our operational programs, policies, procedures, financial methodologies, efficiencies, and continuous improvement initiatives,” Mitchell said.

“Applying for accreditation was a teamwork effort among the members of the ACVA staff who are experts in their respective areas of tourism, including marketing, sales, communications, membership, and visitor services. The application process proved to be a two-month-long analysis and documentation of everything we do as a destination marketing organization,” Mitchell continued.

Other destinations which also achieved accreditation through the beta DMAP included Greater Louisville Convention & Visitors Bureau, Greater Naples, Marco Island & the Everglades Convention & Visitors Bureau, Visit Milwaukee, Boise Convention & Visitors Bureau, and Toursimé Montreal.

“We are very pleased to recognize these DMOs for providing outstanding services in accordance with international standards and benchmarks in this field,” said Barry Biggar, DMAP Board Chair. “By applying for and receiving DMAP accreditation, they have demonstrated a commitment to quality programs and services.”

“The new accreditation program provides a platform for official destination marketing organizations to assure their stakeholders that they have achieved the highest accepted standards,” said Michael D. Gehrisch, DMAI President & CEO.

To become accredited, a destination marketing organization must successfully complete a rigorous application process, requiring them to provide evidence of compliance with 54 mandatory standards and 33 voluntary standards. DMAP accreditation standards cover a wide range of topics, including governance, finance, management, human resources, technology, visitor services, group services, sales, communications, membership, brand management, destination development, research/market intelligence, innovation and stakeholder relationships.

The new DMAP accreditation process was adopted by DMAI for worldwide application from a similar program administered by the Indiana Association of Convention & Visitors Bureaus. Nine U.S.-based DMOs were previously accredited by this program and will be grandfathered into accreditation by the new DMAP.

DMAP is an independent international accreditation body and a leader in defining quality and performance issues in destination marketing. DMAI is the world’s largest and most reliable resource for official destination marketing organizations (DMO’s) founded over 90 years ago.

The Alexandria Convention & Visitors Association is the City of Alexandria’s marketing agency whose mission is to generate tourism and conventions that increase revenues and promote the City of Alexandria and its assets. A membership organization representing over 250 local businesses and organizations, the ACVA is currently celebrating its tenth anniversary in marketing Alexandria as an historic destination regionally, nationally, and internationally. In FY2006, tourism spending by overnight visitors to Alexandria was $603 million. Direct taxes to the City of Alexandria generated by tourism expenditures were $14.4 million.
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