For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
March 15, 2006
PIO# 068-06
Steven J. Mason, Public Information Officer, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Alexandria Health Department Hosts Emergency Drill
Volunteer Patients Are Needed

The Alexandria Health Department will host an emergency drill that will be designed to test its ability to treat as many patients as possible, as quickly as possible, in the event of a public health emergency. The drill scenario calls for all residents of the City to be treated with antibiotics within 24 hours, which will be distributed at a series of mass dispensing site clinics at various locations throughout City neighborhoods. The exercise will be held on Saturday, March 25, from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. All volunteers are asked to report to the following locations at any time during the exercise:

• Old Presbyterian Meeting House, 316 S. Royal St.
• Northern Virginia Community College, Alexandria Campus, 3001 N. Beauregard St.
• Charles Houston Center, 905 Wythe St.
• Cora Kelly Center, 25 W. Reed Ave.
• Mt. Vernon Center, 2701 Commonwealth Ave.

According to John Clizbe, the Alexandria Health Department’s Emergency Planner, “For this exercise to be useful, we need volunteers to show up for just 10 minutes or so.” During those 10 minutes, volunteer “patients” will fill out a short questionnaire (using only their first name), and be given jelly beans (a substitute for medications).

“This process will help us ensure that the Health Department would be able to better respond to a critical life-threatening public health crisis,” said Clizbe.

There is no age limit for volunteers. The Alexandria Health Department encourages neighborhood groups, churches, schools, scouts, civic organizations, and others to become involved by taking a step towards greater preparedness for the City.

All volunteers will receive a copy of the booklet “Are You Ready?” that addresses potential threats and emergencies with useful information and resources.

For more information on the Alexandria Health Department’s emergency drill, call John Clizbe at 703.838.4400, extension 275.

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