For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
December 20, 2005
PIO# 353-05/sjm
Steven J. Mason, Public Information Officer, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

City of Alexandria Responds to Department of Energy Order Requiring
Mirant’s Potomac River Generating Station to Resume Operation

Today, the City of Alexandria received notification that Secretary of Energy Samuel W. Bodman issued an order requiring Mirant Corporation’s Potomac River Generating Station to immediately resume limited operation. In his statement released earlier today, Secretary Bodman stated, in part, “...I believe an emergency situation exists, and that issuance of this order is in the public interest. This order will provide the level of electricity reliability necessary to keep Washingtonians safe and our national government running, while minimizing any environmental impact from the power station.”

The Mirant Potomac River Power Generating Station, located on N. Royal Street, is one of the largest industrial facilities in Alexandria. It is a 50-year-old coal fired electric generating plant with a generating capacity of 482 megawatts, and primarily provides electricity consumed outside Virginia. The City Council and the community have expressed continuing concern about the impact on nearby residents of air pollutants and toxic materials known to be emitted by the plant.

“Obviously, we are very disappointed in Secretary Bodman’s order to Mirant to resume plant operations, even on a limited basis. If this antiquated plant is to operate, it will only be at a level of feasible readiness as determined by the Department of Energy,” said Mayor William Euille. “I will consult with Congressman James Moran, Governor Mark Warner and Governor-elect Tim Kaine and express my dissatisfaction with this decision. City Attorney Ignacio Pessoa and our consultants are evaluating this situation and will make a recommendation on how the City should proceed in light of this development.”

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