For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
May 4, 2006
PIO# 110-06/rdo
Brian Hannigan, Director of Communications, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Alexandria Beautification Commission Seeks Nominations
for the 2006 Alexandria Beautification Awards

The Alexandria Beautification Commission is accepting nominations for the 2006 Alexandria Beautification Awards. The awards recognize Alexandria residents, organizations, and businesses for their efforts in contributing to the beautification of surrounding neighborhoods and public vistas with landscaping and overall aesthetic design. Nominations for the awards must be submitted by Wednesday, May 24, to the Alexandria Beautification Commission, PO Box 178, Alexandria, VA 22313; or e-mailed to Nominations should include the property address that is being nominated.

Awards will be presented in the residential, commercial, public, and service categories. Nominations will be judged on the use of texture and color, use of plants, the context of the neighborhood, marked improvements, and overall appearance. Judging is limited to properties that are visible from the public right of way. Winners will receive notice of their award during the summer and will be recognized at the annual Alexandria Beautification Awards ceremony, which is scheduled to be held on Oct. 23 at the Lyceum, 201 S. Washington St.

The Alexandria Beautification Commission is a 12-member volunteer board that represents citizen values and coordinates projects encouraging City beautification.

For more information on the awards and the commission, call Marie Johnston, Chair for the Alexandria Beautification Commission, at 703.370.8858; or e-mail
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