For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
January 6, 2006
PIO# 005-06/rdo
Deborah Snaman, Immunizations, 703/838-4400 Ext. 334
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Health Department Offers Flu Shots To City Residents
It's Not Too Late!

In Virginia, flu season usually peaks in January or February, and extends into March, so the Alexandria Health Department is continuing to offer flu shots to those who would like to protect themselves from influenza and its potentially severe complications.

The Health Department will offer adult flu vaccine to City residents during the following clinic hours:

Tuesdays, 8 - 11 am, 4480 King St.

Clinics are held on a walk-in basis and the vaccine costs $25.00, payable by cash, check, credit card, and Medicare.

Flu vaccine is also available for city residents 3 through 19 years of age. Persons in this age range may obtain the vaccine during the following clinic hours:

Mondays, 2 - 7 pm, 4480 King St.
Tuesdays, 8 - 11 am, 4480 King St.

These clinics are also on a walk-in basis and the vaccine costs $11.00 and is payable by cash, check, or credit card.

Currently, the flu level status in Virginia is "sporadic", but it is still very early in the flu season and health officials continue to recommend flu shots as an additional way to stay healthy in 2006. Protection from flu shots develops about two weeks after vaccination and may last up to a year.

In addition to receiving the flu vaccine, residents should take other measures to protect themselves and their families from germs and spreading of flu and other respiratory illnesses. The Health Department recommends: using a tissue to cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, frequent hand washing with soap and hot water for 20 seconds or more, using alcohol-based sanitizers if hand-washing facilities are not available and staying home from work or school when ill.

For more information about influenza and the flu vaccine, log onto the Virginia Department of Health website,, or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, The CDC also has information available in Spanish at
