City of Alexandria, Virginia
Office of the City Manager
Alexandria City Hall
301 King Street, Suite 3500
Alexandria, Virginia 22314-3211
Telephone: 703.838.4300
Fax : 703.838.6343

For Immediate Release
October 12, 2004
PIO 247-04/bg

Grant Funding Approved for
Alexandria Green Roof Project

The City of Alexandria has received approval for $40,000 in grant funding from the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation for the retrofit construction of a green roof on the newly-acquired Health Department building, 4480 King St. The project will include retrofitting 10,765 square feet of traditional rooftop with green roof technology and permanently reducing in the site’s impervious surface cover and associated nonpoint source pollutant impacts.
Green roof technology is an innovative low impact design that replaces a traditional rooftop with a special mix of soils and vegetation. By reducing total impervious surface cover, this technology has been recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and others as having many environmental benefits including the ability to reduce the urban heat island affect, improve water quality, and significantly reduce the volume and velocity of stormwater runoff.
A project match and leadership will be provided by the City of Alexandria, including the Department of General Services and the Department of Transportation and Environmental Services.
For additional detail, read the grant narrative on the City’s web site .