City of Alexandria, Virginia
Office of the City Manager
Alexandria City Hall
301 King Street, Suite 3500
Alexandria, Virginia 22314-3211
Telephone: 703.838.4300
Fax : 703.838.6343

Sept. 21, 2004
PIO 225-04/bg

Public Invited to Cookout for
Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month

An event is planned for Alexandria this week to help people recognize that alcohol and drug use disorders are treatable diseases. In recognition of National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, the Alexandria Community Services Board Substance Abuse Prevention Team and Charles Houston Recreation Center will hold a Recovery Month Cookout on Thursday, Sept. 23, from 4:30-7:30 pm at Charles Houston Recreation Center, 901 Wythe St.. Mayor William Euille signed a proclamation declaring September as National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month. The event, open to the public, will include free food, music, information, a moon bounce, prizes and a program featuring inspirational presentations by a youth leader, a person in recovery, and Mayor Euille.

During Recovery Month each September, communities nationwide join together to help people recognize that alcohol and drug use disorders are treatable diseases. Research shows that treatments for alcohol and drug use disorders are as effective as treatments for other chronic conditions—yet only 10 percent of Americans actually receive treatment. The Recovery Month 2004 theme, Join the Voices for Recovery … Now! encourages Alexandrians to take immediate action to improve local residents' access to recovery. The Recovery Month Cookout will celebrate the successes of people in recovery and youth who make healthy choices to avoid alcohol and drugs, as well as acknowledge men and women in the treatment field who dedicate their lives to helping people with alcohol and drug problems.

For more information, contact Tricia Bassing at 703.838.6400.