For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
December 29, 2006
PIO# 276-06/jbh
Brian Hannigan, Director of Communications, or
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300

Motorcade To Carry Former Alexandria Resident’s Remains Through City

Alexandria Mayor William D. Euille today issued the following statement:

“Gerald R. Ford assumed the presidency under the most extraordinary and difficult circumstances and by his dignified example restored the confidence of the American people in their nation and their government. I know all Alexandrians join me in offering our condolences to Mrs. Ford and the Ford family.

“During most of his service in Washington, Gerald Ford lived in Alexandria’s Clover neighborhood with his family and participated actively in school and community affairs. His children attended Alexandria City Public Schools and excelled with the encouragement and example of their devoted parents.

“The City of Alexandria is honored that President Ford’s motorcade will carry his remains through Alexandria en route to the United States Capitol on Saturday. I invite all Alexandrians and our neighbors to join in paying their respects to President Ford along the motorcade route.

“In the near future, I will announce a process to recommend ways in which the City of Alexandria can permanently memorialize President Gerald R. Ford and his rich history as a resident of our City. May God bless President Ford.”

Funeral Motorcade Information: On Saturday, December 30, President Ford’s remains will be taken by motorcade from Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland, through the City of Alexandria en route to the U.S. Capitol. The motorcade will proceed northbound on Washington Street, from Franklin Street through Old Town Alexandria, and continue north on the George Washington Memorial Parkway. The motorcade is expected to travel through Alexandria between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.

The public is welcome to gather along Washington Street to pay their respects to President Ford and his family.

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