For Immediate ReleaseFor More Information, Contact
May 8, 2007
Steve Mason, Director of Communications, at 703.838.4300
Raynard Owens, Communications Officer, at 703.838.4300


The Alexandria City Council, during its May 8 legislative session, announced the process the City will follow to fill the City Council seat vacated by the resignation of Vice Mayor Andrew H. Macdonald. Vice Mayor Macdonald resigned from his Council seat on May 8 for personal reasons.

The Alexandria City Charter requires that the vacancy caused by Macdonald’s resignation be filled, for the unexpired portion of his term, by special election. The process for calling the special election, with relevant City and State Code referenced, is:

1. The City Council member submits a letter of resignation to Council, specifying the effective date of resignation.

2. Within 15 days after the effective date of the resignation, Council must adopt a resolution certifying the vacancy, and the resolution must be filed with the Alexandria Circuit Court. Charter §10.02, Va. Code § 24.2-226A. City Council will consider such a resolution at its May 22 legislative meeting.

3. The Alexandria Circuit Court will issue a writ of election, directing the Alexandria Electoral Board to conduct a special election to fill the unexpired term. The election must be held on a Tuesday, not less than 40 or more than 60 days after the resolution is filed with the Court. The election cannot be held within 60 days prior to a general or primary election, nor on the same day as a primary election. Charter § 10.02, Va. Code §§ 24.2-226A, 24.2-682A. There are no primary or general elections in the relevant time period. City Council discussed requesting that the election be set for Tuesday, July 17.

4. Candidates for the vacate seat must file their statement of qualification and/or declaration of candidacy with the Alexandria Registrar of Voters 30 days prior to the date of election. Charter § 10.02, Va. Code § 24.2-507. Candidates may qualify as a political party nominee, if selected by the party at least 30 days prior to the election, and the State and Local Electoral Boards are notified of the party’s selection within 5 days. Va. Code §§, 24.2-510, 24.2-511B. Independent candidates may qualify by also filing a petition containing 125 valid signatures. Va. Code § 24.2-506.

5. The secretary of the Electoral Board shall post a copy of the writ on the City’s web site, or in 10 public places, or shall publish notice of the election once in the newspaper, at least 10 days before the election. Va. Code § 24.2-683.

6. A copy of the writ shall be sent to the State Board of Elections. Va. Code § 24.2-683.

On May 22, at its regular scheduled legislative session, City Council will adopt the resolution certifying the Council vacancy, and expects to recommend to the Alexandria Circuit Court that the special election be held on Tuesday July 17.

Also at its May 22 legislative meeting, City Council will select a vice mayor, as required by Section 3.05 of the City Charter.

For more information on the election process, please contact Tom Parkins, Registrar of Voters, at 703.838.4050 or Ignacio Pessoa, City Attorney, at 703.838.4433.