DECEMBER 19, 2003
6:00 P.M.

Accidental Gun Discharge; Alexandria Officer Injured

At approximately 3:00 p.m. today, an Alexandria police officer was injured when a fellow officer's weapon accidentally discharged. Members of the Street Crimes Unit were arresting a drug suspect near the corner of North Fayette and Wythe streets. Two other members of the Street Crimes Unit arrived on the scene to assist. The officers had just exited their unmarked vehicle, when one officer's weapon, a .40-caliber Glock semi-automatic, discharged. The round struck the second officer in the left wrist.

The injury is not considered serious, and the victim officer, a 32-year-old nine-year veteran, was transported to Inova Alexandria Hospital for treatment. The other officer is a 35-year-old six-year veteran. Neither officer's name is being released at this time.

The Internal Investigations Unit is investigating this incident.